XED Light is Better than LED Light (2024)

Can we have an artificial source of light like the Sun? I posed this question in 2017. We can indeed think of an artificial light source with Sun light like colors. It is possible that the spectral emission of a light source may almost match that of the Sun.

I don't refer to white LEDs because white LEDs emit more in the blue wavelengths which can be hazardous to health of the living beings. The name of the light source that can emit a light spectrum almost like the Sun is called XED or Xenon Energy Saving Discharge Lamp.

XED or Xenon Energy Saving Discharge Lamps are superior to the most popular LED or Light Emitting Diodes in many ways. XED lights are better in terms of spectral contents, power consumption as well as total running life hours. They produce less glares and are clearer under foggy weather. Moreover, the XED lights don't have excess blue emissions like LED lights. Research shows that the excess blue light of LEDs can cause harm to human health.

Xenon Energy Saving Discharge Lamp or XED is a new lighting technology

XED (Xenon Energy Saving Discharge Lamp) is a new lighting technology. XED is probably the only artificial light source with full light spectrum similar to Sunlight. It can be evidenced from the photograph below. The natural color of the flowers are better perceived in the photograph shot under XED than that under LED and other light sources.

XED Light is Better than LED Light (1)

[Photographs of a bouquet of flowers under Sunlight, XED, LED, MHL and HPSL]

I came to know about XED in greater detail when I visited the XED Light Limited in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China on May 2017. My LinkedIn connection Erin Chen invited me to see their company, who happens to be the Marketing Director of the company.

I vividly remember my 2017 visit to XED Light Limited in China. The General Manager of XED Light Limited Mr. Yaozhou Tang welcomed me to their R&D lab. They showed me the entire lab and explained about the developments. I observed the exhibits and the demonstration rooms with utter curiosity. The illumination of a XED light gives almost a Sun light like effect.

XED Light is Better than LED Light (2)

[A close photograph of a XED lamp is reproduced with permission]

Spectral Content of XED light is very close to the Sun light

If we compare the lighting effects of different light sources, it will be easy to infer which one gives better color perspectives of the illuminated color objects. A picture has already been shown above. Let us watch a video to get the real feeling of illumination.

[XED light with High CRI no flickering, http://xedlight.com/]

The first vase is under XED light illumination. Here, the flowers looks very clear and different colors are perceived clearly. Moreover there is no light flickering.

The second vase is illuminated under LED light:With LED light, the flowers looks a little blue, and there is some color distortion in different flower colors. LED gives serious light flickering that causes eye fatigue.

The third vase is under metal halide lamp lighting. Under metal halide lamp, the flowers looks a little green. There is some color distortion in different flower colors. But there is no light flickering.

The fourth vase is under HPS lamp lighting: Here, the flowers look very yellow and there is serious color distortion in different flower colors. However there is no light flickering.

Spectral distribution of XED light shows the real reason why it is superior

XED Light is Better than LED Light (3)

[Comparison of spectral distribution of XED with spectral distribution of Sun light]

Test reports show that XED light spectrum is very different that from LED light.The LED light spectrum is extremely unbalanced. For a high CCT LED it has too much of blue light, and that with lw CCT LED, it has too much of green and red light.

On the other side, XED light source normally gives balanced spectral distribution for different CCT. The left graph of the above photograph shows the spectrum of a 150W XED light source that is being tested for more than 48000 hours since October 2010.

XED light has several advantages over LED light

XED emits full white light spectrum, similar to Sun light. XED is super bright and clear, and can save 20% energy than LED lights. Further it has no light flickering. It can also hot start instantly within 3 seconds. So it is very much suitable for lighting of sports stadiums. XED has strong light penetration power. With XED lights, we can see clearer than with any other kind of light sources during raining and foggy days, or where there is a lot of dust. XED does not need any heat sink. The real effective lifetime of XED can be more than 48000 hours. No high voltage interface is required for XED. It is also easy to install and convenient to maintain.

XED has wide range of potential applications

XED Light is Better than LED Light (4)

[An automobile fitting factory uses XED light for glare less illumination since 2010]

XED can be widely used for both indoor lighting and outdoor lighting, such as public lighting, industrial lighting, shop and retail lighting etc.

[XED Intelligent Street Lighting, Smart City, http://xedlight.com/]

XED is suitable in supermarkets or shops, XED perfect lighting makes the fruits, vegetables, foods, clothes and other goods look better with their original colors, customers can see clearer in your shops, thereby helping can to improve sales.

XED saves > 20% energy than LED

Also XED saves a lot of energy cost, because XED saves >20% energy than LED light. It saves 87.5% energy than HPS lamps, save more than 60% energy than CFL

XED Light is Better than LED Light (5)

[Photograph of a completed tunnel lighting project by XED Light Limited in 2016]

Explore and exploit XED light

XED light can serve the industrial lighting requirement better than any other light sources. It can also serve for street lighting, tunnel lighting, stadium lighting, and also artificial lighting for indoor gardens. Exploit XED technology for your requirements. And don't forget to know about the health hazards of LEDs.

Acknowledgement: All the information about XED has been obtained from my LinkedIn friend Erin Chen. I am grateful to Mr. Yaozhou Tang, GM, XED Light Limited for kindly arranging the visit on Sunday. All pictures are courtesy XED Light Limited.

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I amDebesh Choudhuryand you can seemy LinkedIn blog page here. I am a Brand Evangelist of XED Light Limited, that created unique light sources based on Xenon discharge technology known as Xenon Energy Saving Discharge lamp devices or XED. I "spread the good news and technology" about XED lamps by publishing contents in the professional and social media networks.

My current research focuses onBiometric Security and Privacy Protection. My friend Jose Munoz Mata and myself are testing distributed ledger technology for biometrics and other real world applications. You can give me a connectioninvite, follow me onTwitterandFacebookorbeBee.

Here are some other posts I authored:

  • Distributed Ledger is the Future
  • Decentralized Biometrics: Is It the Ultimate Solution?
  • Privacy protection could have saved Aadhaar data breach
  • Data Protection is a Big Challenge
  • Unix-like Operating Systems are Safer to Malware and Virus Attacks
  • Why Google and Microsoft Run after Glass and Lens?
  • Power of a LinkedIn Connection
  • Best Solution to Software Virus
  • Need 15 Tips to Eat a Biscuit?

In June 2015,Dr. Jeffrey Stricklandand I founded a new LinkedIn Group called "The Unfluencers". To learn about the history of "The Unfluencers" please read the seminal LinkedIn article byDr. Jeffrey Stricklandentitled --"Who are the Unfluencers". This group is an open group. You are welcome to join this group and engage yourself in the discussions. TheUnfluencerᵀᴹ Logo is a registered trademark ofDr. Jeffrey Strickland.

Text Copyright © 2018Debesh Choudhury—All Rights Reserved


Debesh Choudhury is an academician and researcher. He is interested in the science and engineering of optics and electronics. He uses GNU/Linux, Free and Open Source Software for all his works related to computers, be it educational or entertainment, professional or personal.

#XED #SunLight #LED #DebeshChoudhury

XED Light is Better than LED Light (2024)
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