Decrolux | High Pressure Sodium vs LED - What’s The Difference (2024)

High Pressure Sodium vs LED - What’s The Difference Between High Pressure Sodium and LED Lights

Both Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium bulbs are part of the HID family of bulbs. The primary visual difference between them is that metal halide light is white and the light emitted from a High Pressure Sodium bulb is amber orange. The lamp works by creating an electric arc through vaporized sodium metal. Other materials and gases are used to help start the lamp or control its colour.

High Pressure Sodium Vapor (HPS) lights are a specific type of gas-discharge light (also known as a High Intensity Discharge, HID or arc light). The principal difference between low and high pressure sodium lights is the operating pressure inside the lamp. As indicated by the name, “high” pressure sodium vapor lights operate at a higher internal pressure. The arc tube is made of aluminum oxide and the sodium metal is combined with several other elements like Mercury which counter-balances the yellow glow with some white to light blue emissions.

Decrolux | High Pressure Sodium vs LED - What’s The Difference (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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