What Do Girls Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (2024)

What Do Girls Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (1)

Using the right nickname or term of endearment can make a person feel amazing.

Using the wrong one can offend them or turn them off.

Knowing which term of endearment to use comes down to understanding the individual and their preferences.

Having a list of different affectionate nicknames to try can help you discover the type of nicknames that your partner enjoys.

What Do Girls Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (2)

1. Baby

One of the go-to nicknames that you might want to try is “Baby.”

Baby is a great first attempt because it’s common and not overly offensive.

It can apply to both guys and girls and remains pretty gender-neutral in general.

Girls enjoy this nickname because it makes them feel adored, delicate, and soft.

It makes them feel safe because the one using the nickname puts themselves in the role of the protector or caregiver.

Baby is a safe nickname to try when first starting with affectionate names.

2. Baby Girl

If your girlfriend or partner enjoys being called Baby, then you may be able to progress into using “Baby Girl.”

Baby Girl is another affectionate nickname that can make your partner feel petite, adored, and cared for.

It puts you in the role of a caregiver or protector who cares for and protects your partner.

Keep in mind that not all girls are comfortable with being called Baby Girl because it might make them feel small or diminished.

This name is best for certain circ*mstances and after you establish the dynamics in your relationship.

That said, Baby Girl is a great nickname that can make your partner feel loved.

3. Honey

Another traditional nickname that you can use is “Honey.”

Girls enjoy this name because it makes them feel sweet, treasured, and loved.

Honey is an elevated nickname that’s typically used among married couples.

However, anyone can use it at any stage in the relationship.

This is another name that’s pretty gender-neutral, so it works well on most occasions.

It’s also a light nickname that doesn’t carry too much weight into it.

You can use it in both teasing situations and romantic situations.

Few people don’t enjoy this nickname, so it makes it a great name to call girls.

4. Honey Buns

A variation of the nickname Honey is “Honey Buns.”

This is a slightly sweeter version of Honey, and it’s used to evoke feelings of sweetness and tenderness.

It’s also pretty playful, so it’s ideal for light-hearted situations or when you’re trying to cheer your partner up.

Keep in mind that some girls might take offense to the name as they might believe that you’re referring to their rear ends.

As such, the nickname Honey Buns is best used after you know each other better and have a comfortable flow of communication between you.

This nickname is perfect for established couples.

Girls enjoy it because it also makes them feel sweet and adored.

5. Honey Cakes

Another variation of the nickname Honey is “Honey Cakes.”

This name is similar to honey buns in that it elevates the original affectionate nickname and makes things a bit more fun and playful.

As its name might suggest, calling a girl Honey Cakes is basically calling them sweet.

Like Honey Buns, some girls might also take offense to Honey Cakes.

They may believe that you’re making fun of their weight or the shape of their body.

As such, it’s important to first understand if your girl has any anxieties about their appearance.

It may be safer to start with Honey Buns, then progress to Honey Cakes if they’re warm to the nickname.

Because it’s a playful nickname, this one has its best use during playful situations and not serious situations.

Girls enjoy Honey Cakes because it’s fun, makes them feel silly, and also makes them feel sweet.

6. Sugar

If you want to make your girl feel sweet or acknowledge that they are sweet, then you might want to use “Sugar” as a nickname.

People have been calling girls Sugar for a long time.

It’s used to express that one feels as though the girl in question is sweet and sugary.

However, because it’s an older nickname, it can sometimes come off as creepy if you don’t know the girl all that well yet.

It also tends to be sexual in nature, so this type of name is best reserved for situations that are already sexually charged.

That said, if the established dynamic is already sweet, then you can likely get away with calling your girl Sugar without it coming off as weird or creepy.

Girls enjoy Sugar because it suggests that they’re sweet and kind.

7. Sugar Plum

A variation of Sugar is “Sugar Plum.”

Like the other variations, this variation makes the original nickname a bit more playful.

Sugar Plum combines sweetness upon sweetness.

It’s used to make a girl feel extra sweet.

Since it’s playful, you can only use it in certain situations if you want it to land correctly.

Otherwise, it can make a girl feel silly and not in a good way.

Some might also associate the nickname with their shape or weight which can have the opposite effect of making them feel sweet.

It’s worth understanding your partner and their levels of playfulness before trying to use a playful nickname like sugar plum.

8. Sugar Dumpling

A final variation of Sugar is “Sugar Dumpling.”

This is a playful nickname, too, that can be fun to use with the right girl.

Because it’s a rather silly nickname, it’s great to use in light-hearted situations or when you’re trying to make your girl laugh.

That said, there’s a certain level of finesse required to use this nickname.

Some girls may take great offense to it since it might imply you’re teasing them about their appearance.

It’s even more heavy-handed than Sugar Slum in its association with the body’s form.

As such, it’s crucial that you understand your girl’s mood and the mood of the room before using it.

Since Sugar Dumpling is a silly nickname, it’s great for when you’re just starting with nicknames.

It can take some pressure off the situation and be useful in grounding you both in the situation.

9. Darling

One of the most romantic names you can call a girl is “Darling.”

The nickname grew popular in the early 1900s on the silver screen.

It featured strong-jawed men whispering sweet nothings into the ears of their loved ones and calling them Darling.

Hearts were both broken and mended with the word.

Since then, the term tends to reserve itself for couples who are serious about one another.

In some cases, it can also be playful, but it’s usually a serious term of affection.

Girls enjoy the nickname because it makes them feel as though they’re desired, respected, and connected.

It’s an indication that both parties are on the same page in the relationship.

Unfortunately, some people also use Darling in a sarcastic sense.

To ensure that you’re being romantic, it’s helpful to set the mood or scene before using the nickname.

Warming your girl up by giving her flowers, cooking dinner, or showering them with compliments and affections are a great way to make your use of Darling hit home.

10. Sweetheart

Another old, but powerful, nickname that you can use with your girl is “Sweetheart.”

This name suggests that the girl is sweet-natured, kind, and loving.

By using the nickname with her, you’re telling her that you appreciate her for her heart.

This is another name that’s almost as old as Darling in terms of its popularity.

It also can come off sarcastically, too, so it’s worth practicing the term to ensure you use the right tone when saying it.

Girls enjoy the name because it’s romantic, warm, and tender.

When used correctly, it can make couples feel closer to one another.

Sweetheart may be an old nickname, but it’s persisted throughout history for a reason.

11. Sweetie

A slightly shortened version of Sweetheart is “Sweetie.”

If anything, it’s a modernized version of Sweetheart.

Sweetie is a great nickname for girls that you want to make feel happy and affectionate.

It suggests that the girl is sweet and adorable.

It has the same sort of impact that saying Honey does.

Of course, some girls might find the nickname condescending.

If said incorrectly or in the wrong kind of situation, then the name can come off like you’re treating them or viewing them as a child.

Understanding the mood of the room and the mood of your girl can help you determine whether to use Sweetie or not.

Girls enjoy the nickname because it makes them feel soft and adored.

12. Boo

A modern version of the word baby is “Boo.”

Although it first became a way to call someone one’s boyfriend, it’s since developed into a general term for one’s significant other.

The nickname Boo is popular in many hip hop and R&B songs.

As such, it’s often associated with relationships and couples.

That said, it is sometimes used among friends, too.

Because of that, you can run into the danger of making your girl think that you see her as a friend rather than as a romantic partner when you use it.

To avoid that, it’s a good idea to use romantic language or affectionate touching while giving her the nickname.

This ensures that the term lands the right way.

Boo is also playful and a bit more comfortable to use.

It’s light-hearted, so it’s easy to use it during the beginning stages of a new relationship.

Girls like Boo because it makes them feel as though they’re connected to someone and valued.

13. Bae

Another modern nickname that girls enjoy is “Bae.”

Bae stands for “Before Anyone Else.”

It’s about a person’s position in someone’s life.

That individual’s needs matter before anyone else’s.

As such, it’s common for partners to call their girls Bae because it indicates that they matter before anyone else.

This is a light-hearted term of affection that can be both romantic and friendly.

Best friends use the term for one another, for example.

As such, it’s a safe term to use, but if you want to make sure that your partner is feeling loved, then you may need to associate the term with other nicknames.

Otherwise, they may feel as though they’re being friend-zoned and not as though they’re your partner.

Girls enjoy bae because it makes them feel important in their partner’s life.

14. Kitten

Some girls enjoy the term “Kitten” from their partners.

Kitten often suggests that the girl is playful.

It’s sometimes used in households that practice BDSM or another alternate lifestyle.

Because of its association with BDSM, Kitten is often sexually charged.

It has its best use in those types of situations.

That said, it can come off as sweet and tender, too, for the right type of individual.

A lot can go wrong with using this nickname if the girl isn’t into those types of lifestyles.

That said, it’s a cute name that can make a girl feel silly, playful, and even sexy.

The shortened term, “Kitty,” is also used in sexual situations.

15. Sexy

Like boys, girls also like to feel sexy.

They enjoy knowing that they’re turning their partner on.

One way that you can make your partner feel sexy and know that they turn you on is to call them “Sexy.”

Obviously, the term is sexually charged, so it’s best used in private situations or in situations where that sort of affection is acceptable publicly.

The term can become annoying, however, if the partner isn’t feeling in the mood.

You might give them the wrong idea that you only see them in the sexual sense.

That’s why it helps to use other terms of affection to balance both sexual attraction and romantic attraction.

Girls enjoy Sexy because it makes them feel attractive.

It can also boost their self-confidence or self-esteem because they know that they’re also making you feel attracted to them.

Sexy is a great nickname to make your girl feel great about herself.

16. Hot Stuff

A great way to tease your girl and also make her feel sexy is to call her “Hot Stuff.”

Hot Stuff is a great nickname because it’s silly, but it still implies that you find them attractive.

It’s easy for a girl to laugh it off while still knowing that you’re attracted to them.

It’s a light-hearted way to establish your interest without it becoming too serious at that moment.

Like Sexy and any other nickname that’s sexual in nature, it’s dependent on mood.

Girls who aren’t in the mood aren’t going to find the name enjoyable.

That said, if you have the right kind of charisma, you can make the nickname fun and playful enough to put a smile on their face.

Girls enjoy Hot Stuff because it’s silly, makes them feel attractive, and gives them a comfortable way to establish their interest or lack of interest.

17. Cutie

A way to call your girl cute is to call her “Cutie.”

When you want to let your girl know that she’s being adorable or that you find yourself falling for her, calling her Cutie is a great way to do that.

Cutie is a great nickname because it’s wholesome.

It isn’t sexually charged, and it isn’t heavy on romance.

It’s a light-hearted nickname that allows you to establish how much you adore your girl.

Girls enjoy Cutie because it makes them feel cute, adored, and loved.

18. Cutie Pie

If you want to make your girl feel extra sweet, then you might want to call her “Cutie Pie.”

Cutie Pie is a variation of Cutie.

It adds a bit more to the sweetness by adding in “Pie.”

Like a pie, if you think your girl is being extra cute, then the name works.

Cutie Pie is both serious and playful.

You can use it to tease your girl and make the situation playful and silly.

You can also be sincere and use it to tell your girl how much you adore them and enjoy them.

Girls enjoy Cutie Pie because it makes them feel even cuter.

19. Love

One of the best ways to call let your girl know that she’s the love of your life is to call her “Love.”

Love or “Lover” is a great nickname because it tells your girl about your feelings for her in a single name.

It’s sweet, romantic, and can make anyone feel warm.

Girls like to hear it because it’s a reminder of your feelings for them and how you perceive them.

Love is great for any stage of the relationship since it’s based solely on how you feel about them.

20. Princess

If you want to spoil your girl, then you might want to call her “Princess.”

Princess is slightly playful, but it mostly indicates how you perceive them.

Calling your girlfriend princess tells them that you see them as royalty.

They’re a step above everyone else.

They’re worthy of your worship, love, and attention.

Some girls may not enjoy the nickname since princesses can also come with negative connotations of being spoiled.

However, if the mood is right and the dynamic is right, calling her Princess can make her feel important and treasured.

21. Sunshine

Calling a girl “Sunshine” or “My Sunshine” can make her loved.

Sunshine evokes feelings of warmth and happiness.

The world can’t live without sunshine, and so calling your girl Sunshine suggests that you can’t live without her.

That makes this nickname romantic.

Girls enjoy the name because it makes them feel special and desired.

22. Angel

If you believe that the girl in your life is a gift sent from the beyond, then you might want to call her “Angel.”

If she’s changed your life for the better, then there’s no question that she’s your Angel.

Calling her such can help her recognize the crucial part she plays in her life.

Girls enjoy Angel because it makes them feel powerful, wholesome, and valued.

23. Baby Doll

Another name that evokes feelings of being cute or adorable is “Baby Doll.”

Calling a girl Baby Doll can make her feel loved and treasured.

However, not all girls will appreciate the association with a delicate doll or plastic figure.

The term is also sometimes sexually charged.

It’s a good idea to use some of the other terms first to determine if your girl is the type to enjoy the nickname.

Girls enjoy Baby Doll because it can make them feel cute, sexy, and cared for.

24. Pumpkin

If you want to give your girl a silly nickname, then “Pumpkin” is a safe choice.

It’s a silly name that’s playful and fun.

Not all girls might enjoy it since they might think you’re teasing them about their weight or shape.

Applying plenty of affection and other nicknames can help them understand that you’re being affectionate.

Girls enjoy Pumpkin because it’s fun, silly, and light-hearted.

25. My Heart

A final nickname that you can use that a girl will like is “My Heart.”

Calling a girl this term basically reminds them about the feelings that you have for them.

It’s a romantic nickname that can make them feel warm and loved.

Girls love it because it’s romantic, tender, and makes them feel connected to you.

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What Do Girls Like To Be Called? (Top 25 Names) (2024)


What name do girls like being called? ›

Some guys go the "classic" route with names like "angel," "darling," and "sweetheart"; some prefer food-inspired nicknames, like "cookie" and "cupcake"; and some straight-up worship their partners with loving names like "queen," "goddess," and "light of my life."

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What do girls like to be called? – A few suggestions
  1. Babe. Sweet, simple, and to the point. ...
  2. Baby. A great go-to option. ...
  3. Honey. We think this is a better option than 'hun' or 'hon.' We call our friends or random people we meet 'hon,' but honey is a little more personal. [ ...
  4. Gorgeous. ...
  5. Beautiful. ...
  6. Cutie-pie. ...
  7. Sexy. ...
  8. Baby girl.

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Prepare to be enchanted by these adorable and unique nickname list that will have you swooning over your precious baby:
  • Gudiya.
  • Sweetpea.
  • Cupcake.
  • Munna.
  • Buttercup.
  • Bittu.
  • Sunshine.
  • Laddoo.
Jun 3, 2024

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Sweet Nicknames for Girlfriends
  • Angel.
  • Beloved.
  • Cherished.
  • Darling.
  • Lady.
  • Love.
  • Mama.
  • My Dear.
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Now other names, so called pet names, vary for each partnership. Obvious ones - darling, dear, honey, love, lover, sweetheart, and so on - are rarely a problem. Some people dislike “baby” or “babe.” Work out your own endearments as well.

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Rare Baby Girl Names
  • Perach.
  • Phanie.
  • Salomi.
  • Megara.
  • Caliste.
  • Lune.
  • Zixuan.
  • Darana.
Apr 4, 2024

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111 Unique & Cute Baby Nicknames That Will Melt Your Heart
  • Snuggle Bunny.
  • Peanut.
  • Sweet Pea.
  • Cupcake.
  • Dimples.
  • Cuddle Bug.
  • Baby Bear.
  • Little Lamb.
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More Cute Baby Girl Names
26.CalliopeBeautiful voice
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75 Cute Nicknames To Call Your Girlfriend
  • Honey. If your girlfriend is just as sweet as can be, use this term of endearment to melt her heart!
  • Dear. Use this nickname to show your girlfriend how much you value her.
  • Sweetie. Is your girlfriend the kindest person you know? ...
  • Babe. ...
  • Beautiful. ...
  • Pudding. ...
  • Snuggles. ...
  • Dumpling.
Feb 6, 2024

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It's called lesbian or gay. Lesbian means a girl that likes a girl, and gay can be used for boys that like boys AND girls that like girls, so both terms fit. And if the girl in question likes both girls and boys, she's called bisexual. Boys that like both boys and girls can also be called bisexual.

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You could stick with just one nickname or switch between variations of a few (sweetheart, sweetie, sweet pea, honey, honey bunny… we could go on). No matter what, their hearts will go pitter-patter when you call them a sweet nickname during your next date night or flirty text convo.

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13 Compliments That Women Actually Want To Hear
  1. 1. “ I love the way you think.” ...
  2. 2. “ You're a great mom.” ...
  3. 3. “ We're proud of you.” ...
  4. 4. “ Thank you.” ...
  5. 5. “ I love your drive.” ...
  6. 6. “ You're so good at remembering.” ...
  7. 7. “ Your best is enough.” ...
  8. 8. “ You're such a badass.”
Oct 4, 2021

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