9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You (2024)

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Hearing the magic words “I miss you” from a guy can set off many emotions within you. First, you want to believe him, but sometimes, it could be a bit difficult to wrap your head around it.

When a guy says he misses you, does it mean he loves you? It can sometimes be confusing when you don’t know what exactly these words mean. You may wonder, if he says he misses me, does it mean he likes me?

These questions tend to come with the magic words – “I miss you.” In any case, understanding precisely what it means when a guy says he misses you is the first step toward making the most out of this piece of information.

In this article, we will find answers to these questions. When you’re done with this article, you’ll know whether you should take the guy seriously the next time he tells you he misses you or take it with a grain of salt.

So, let’s end your search here for the “I miss you” meaning from a guy.

What does it mean when he says he misses you: 11 ways

“He said he misses me in a text.” When a guy says he misses you, it can potentially mean many things. If you feel attracted to a guy texting you, you may want him to get on the phone and tell you how much he misses you.

These magic words can make you feel special and reiterate that he values your presence in his life. So, here are some potential things a person could mean when they say they miss you.

1. He misses you

When he says he misses you (especially when you’ve been away from each other for a while, maybe at work or on a trip), the first possibility you should consider is that he secretly misses you.

Also, if he has never given you a reason to doubt his words (he has been faithful and honest to you), there may be no reason to doubt his sincerity.

What to do: If this is the case, you may want to try letting your guard down a bit and going with the flow. If the feeling is mutual, you may return the statement to him and enjoy some deep-level connection. Who knows where it may lead?


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2. He is not yet ready to use the ‘L’ word

“When a guy says he misses you, does it mean he loves you?” This is one question many ladies seek answers to as they navigate the rocky terrains of relationships.

When a guy misses you and tells you, it may indicate that he has deeper feelings for you but may not be ready to let that cat out of the bag yet.

This is more likely the case if the guy;

  • Has never been in a relationship before.
  • Is just getting to know you and is worried about looking like a creep who rushes head-first into things.
  • Is still trying to figure things out along with you.

What to do: If you fall under any of these categories, you may want to take a step back and go with the flow. Remember not to push the guy or make him feel pressured to make a big, bold declaration of his undying love for you.

However, if you feel the same way about him, consider finding ways to pass across the information that you aren’t opposed to the idea of being in a relationship with him.

3. Can I see you?

When a guy says he wants to see you, this could also be what he means by saying, “I miss you.” It is best to tread cautiously because his desire to see you can be an entire spectrum of things.

First, it could mean he wants to hang out with you (especially if you have built that close bond as just friends). It could also suggest that he wants to hook up (if it has ever happened) or is just looking for a quick chat.

What to do: Under these conditions, you need to remember that “I miss you” can be anything, including a statement to make you feel good about yourself. To keep yourself from getting disappointed in the end, please do not attach a lot of meaning to the words.

Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen, who has a PhD in Psychology, states,

Sometimes, a guy won’t communicate directly when he has feelings for you. Instead of coming out and saying he wants to spend time with you, he will drop hints by saying he misses you.

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4. He is returning a favor

Think critically about this one.

There’s every possibility that when he says “I miss you” right after you say the exact words to him, it could just be that he is trying to return the favor and make you feel appreciated.

No one wants to be seen as a bad person. Also, it would be crazy to let yourself get vulnerable with people that way and have them turn a cold shoulder to you. So, if you’ve told him, “I miss you,” first, he may feel like he has to say it back to you.

What to do: Your preferred line of action would be to wait and see if he would say the words to you first.

Being the first person to tell him you miss him may be interpreted (from his standpoint) as putting him under the spotlight, and his reflex may be to return the favor.

However, if you’ve taken the bull by its horns and put it out first, keenly observe how he tells you he misses you. If he returns the words to you almost immediately (like he’s throwing something back at you), it could mean he doesn’t mean it that much.

However, if he takes some time to return the words, it could be that he means what he said, at least to an extent. Look out for when he says miss you vs. I miss you.

When a guy says, “I miss you,” there could be strong feelings behind his words, like loneliness, sadness, and regret. On the other hand, a simple “miss you” can convey the same intention without being too intense about their feelings.

9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You (3)

5. He may be manipulating you

Although this may be a lot to wrap your head around, it is a possibility you shouldn’t throw out the window per se.

Master manipulators understand people’s emotional side, and they know the kinds of words to throw at you if they want you to lower your guard so that they can get something from you.

Sometimes, when a guy says he misses you, he may just be setting you up to have his way with you (by manipulating you to do something you ordinarily wouldn’t have), after which he will hit the road.

What to do: You may have to trust your gut for this one. In addition, there should be some kind of precedence to this.

If you know a guy to be crafty, cunning, or hell-bent on having his way at all times, you may want to take his words with a grain of salt.

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6. You might be his last option

Like the last point, this is another place where you may want to place your feet against the brakes and think critically once again.

Can you remember the times he told you that he missed you? If yes, were those times closer to the night or very early in the morning? Does he reach out to you (to tell you he misses you) only when the bars are closed or when his date has stood him up again?

If your answers to these questions are ‘yes,’ it may mean he doesn’t miss you. Those words may just be a way to manipulate you.

What to do: Value yourself more than the value he attaches to you.

If, after analysis, you discover that he’s just been using you as a backup plan, you may want to brace yourself to turn him down the next time he starts playing with the whole “I miss you” card.

When a guy says he misses you but doesn’t show it, it could be that he doesn’t miss you at all.

7. He misses the idea of you

The thought of having you with him may apply the most if the man in question is your ex. If he is your ex, there’s a possibility that when he says he misses you, he could mean, “I miss the idea of you.”

A man may prey on this line to make you rethink your separation from them, especially if they are beginning to see the value you brought to their lives when they were in your world.

The idea here is to make you lower your guard and make you think to yourself, “What if the universe destined us to be together again?”

As Dr. Jacobsen explains, sometimes, reuniting after a breakup is a good choice,

In some cases, taking time apart allows one or both parties to gain clarity and realize how important the relationship was to them. With time apart, a former partner may come to miss you and realize that he wants to get back together.

What to do: There’s no right or wrong answer to this. Your best bet would be to think critically about the peculiarities of the situation and trust your gut. If, deep down, you think you should get back together, wonderful.

No? You may want to take a walk in the other direction.

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8. He wants something from you

People can be really manipulative sometimes, especially when they need their desires satisfied.

If the guy only tells you he misses you when he needs something or wants to ask you for a favor, chances are he does not miss you but just wants to satisfy his needs or wants.

What to do: Study context. Under what conditions does the guy tell you he misses you? Are they when he’s about to request something from you? If yes, it could be that he is trying to manipulate your decisions to suit his needs.

Does he only tell you he misses you when it is evident he has no better option? These are things you need to look out for.

9. You are not sure of his intentions

Sometimes, even when a guy says he misses you, their actions could suggest otherwise. If he tells you he misses you, but his actions say something else, chances are he is trying to take advantage of you or manipulate you into an emotional situation.

What to do: Trust your gut. Deep down, a part of you knows. It knows when a guy is as genuine as they can get and when they are acting in their own selfish interests.

In any case, taking a few seconds to listen to what your gut says can save you a lot of stress in the future.

9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You (4)

10. He is confused

He may like you but is unsure if he wants to move ahead with you. His feelings for you may be genuine, but other factors may hold him back.

When a guy says he misses you, maybe he genuinely does but is not ready for a relationship or a commitment right now.

What to do: Ask. Sounds funny, right? When you’ve tried the two steps above and can’t seem to come to a final answer, you may want to try asking him yourself.

Combine the answer he gives you with the facts you already have at hand to make a final decision.

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11. He wants to maintain a connection

When a guy tells you he misses you, it could simply mean that he values the bond you share and wants to maintain that connection. This might not necessarily indicate romantic feelings or manipulation; instead, he could genuinely enjoy your company and the interactions you have.

It’s a way for him to express that he appreciates having you in his life and enjoys the time you spend together.

What to do: If you feel the relationship is essential to you, too, take this as an opportunity to continue fostering a healthy connection. Engage in meaningful conversations and spend time together to strengthen your bond.

Keep the communication open so that you can understand each other’s intentions and expectations clearly.

How do you respond when a guy tells you he misses you: 9 ways

Responding to someone who tells you they miss you can vary based on your relationship with that person and your own feelings. It’s essential to consider the depth of your connection and the emotional tone of your interactions.

Here are some potential ways to respond, each offering a unique approach to acknowledge the guy’s feelings and maintain the rapport you share. Your choice of response should reflect both your authenticity and the dynamics of your relationship.

1. Acknowledge and validate their feelings

“I appreciate your honesty. I’ve missed you too.” This response acknowledges their feelings and reciprocates, showing that you value their emotions and share similar sentiments.

2. Express mutual feelings

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot as well.” By expressing that you’ve been thinking about them, too, you can create a sense of connection and indicate a mutual emotional state.

3. Playful response

“Aww, someone’s been missing me? I’ve been causing trouble in your absence.” This response adds a playful touch by jokingly attributing their feelings to your absence while showing that their emotions are noticed and appreciated.

4. Warm and affectionate

“Your message really brightened my day. I’ve missed you too and look forward to seeing you again.” This warm and affectionate response acknowledges their message, expresses your feelings, and hints at your anticipation of reuniting.

5. Keep it light

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Let’s catch up soon!” By recognizing the passage of time and suggesting a future meetup, you’re keeping the conversation light and suggesting a casual way to reconnect.

6. Share your activities

“I’ve been busy with work, trying new recipes, and binge-watching shows. But it’s nice to know you’ve been thinking of me!” Sharing your recent activities provides insight into your life and interests, making the conversation more engaging.

7. Flirtatious response

“Oh really? I guess I’ll have to start charging you ‘miss-you’ fees.” This flirtatious response adds a playful and teasing element to the conversation, maintaining a lighthearted tone while acknowledging their feelings.

Watch Matthew Hussey, a dating expert talking about what types of texts men like from women and how you can reply the best way to their texts:

9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You (5)

8. Reflect on memories

“Remember that time we got lost during our road trip? Those were good times. I’ve missed those moments too.” By reminiscing about shared memory, you evoke positive emotions and a sense of nostalgia, strengthening your bond.

9. Honest communication

“I’m glad you told me you miss me. I’ve been feeling the same way, and it’s nice to know we’re on the same page.” This honest and straightforward response can create an open space for discussing mutual feelings and emotions.

Remember, the key is to respond authentically based on your feelings and the dynamics of your relationship with the person. If you share a close and genuine bond, expressing your feelings sincerely may be well-received.

If your relationship is more casual, keeping your response lighthearted might be a better approach. Always consider the context and your comfort level when crafting your response.

Commonly asked questions

Missing someone is a complex emotional experience that varies from person to person. Let’s explore some concise answers to questions about missing someone.

  • How long will it take for him to miss me?

The timing varies depending on the depth of your connection and his emotional state. There’s no set duration, as feelings of missing someone can emerge sooner or later.

  • Is it good when a man says he misses you?

Yes, it can indicate emotional attachment. However, context matters; it’s essential to consider the guy’s actions and consistency alongside his words.

  • What happens psychologically when you miss someone?

Missing someone triggers feelings of longing and nostalgia. Neurologically, it activates brain regions linked to emotions and memory, often resulting in sadness or a desire for closeness.

  • Can a guy say he misses you even if he’s not in love with you?

Yes, missing someone isn’t solely reserved for romantic love. It might indicate fondness, friendship, or a desire to reconnect, even if deeper romantic feelings aren’t present.

  • Do guys miss the girl they like?

Absolutely, if a guy has genuine feelings for a girl, he can miss her when they’re apart. It’s a sign of emotional connection and interest in being together.

In summary

So now you probably know what it means when a guy says he misses you. When a guy says he misses you next time, consult with your gut reaction to know if allowing him to access you would be the best line of action.

Some guys mean it when they say, “I miss you a lot.” Others? Maybe not. Also, if he says he misses you but doesn’t show it, you may want to take some time to reassess things.

9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You (2024)


9 Ways to Respond When a Guy Says He Misses You? ›

If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

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If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

How to respond when a guy says he is thinking of you? ›

How to Reply to a "Thinking of You" Text
  1. 1 "Thank you. Hope you've been well!”
  2. 2 "You always know what I need to hear.”
  3. 3 "Thanks. I'm lucky to have you as a friend.”
  4. 4 "Things have been tough, but your words help.”
  5. 5 "I needed to hear that. Wanna catch up soon?”
  6. 6 "Thanks. ...
  7. 7 "Only good things, right?”
  8. 8 "Oh yeah?

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I can't wait to see you too! That's all I think about.

When you say "I miss you" and he says "thank you"? ›

Him saying thank you doesn't he doesn't miss you, nor he does miss you, it simply means thank you. It can mean a few things. It can mean that he is flattered by your feelings for him, and though he doesn't feel the same way, is courteous enough to not overtly hurt your feelings.

How long does it take a man to realize he misses you? ›

On average, it takes about 8 weeks for him to miss you.

For most men, it takes about this long for them to process the loss and discover that they miss you. Men usually go into denial mode immediately after a breakup, so it might take him a week or two to even realize that you're gone for good.

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To make him miss you regardless of the specifics, create some space, control the communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and intentionally "forgotten" possessions to make him think of you when you're not around. Soon enough, your guy should be longing for you and craving that passion again.

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For some men, it may take weeks, while for others, missing their ex doesn't start until months later. Nonetheless, guys start missing you when they realize how important you are or how much your absence affects their lives.

When a man says "I miss you"? ›

When a guy tells you he misses you, it could simply mean that he values the bond you share and wants to maintain that connection. This might not necessarily indicate romantic feelings or manipulation; instead, he could genuinely enjoy your company and the interactions you have.

How do you respond to "Do you miss me?"? ›

How to respond to 'did you miss me' in a playful way
  1. Keep it playful and challenging. If over text, suggest 'How about I show you how much I missed you tonight'. ...
  2. 'Oh yeah, what do you miss about me?' ' Can you stop making me think about you 24/7' ...
  3. If he's doing things for you, say yes.

How do you know if he is thinking about you? ›

Signs He Thinks about You

You can tell if a guy is thinking about you if he texts you good morning and good night, he sends you random short messages all day, he asks you a lot of questions about you, he likes and comments on your social media posts, or he messages you when he's hanging out with his friends.

What is the best response to I don't know you? ›

If someone says "I don't know you," it may be because they do not recognize you or do not have any prior knowledge of you. Here are some potential responses you could give: "That's okay, my name is [your name]. Nice to meet you!" This response is a friendly and non-threatening way to introduce yourself to the person.

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If you believe that he told you truthfully how he feels about you, then acknowledge it with respect and, when you're comfortable doing so, tell him how you feel about him. “I don't know how to handle this. I like you too” is a perfectly good way to phrase this.

How to respond when a guy says he cares about you? ›

Thank you.

By telling them that their words mean a lot to you, it hints that they're someone you value, even if you don't directly state it. It's also a polite reply to acknowledge their feelings, without making them feel embarrassed or uncomfortable that you didn't reciprocate. Them: “I care about you.”

How do you respond to I miss him text? ›

How to reply 'I Miss you' from your love
  1. I feel the same way, babe! ...
  2. Your message is so sweet and touching it made my day. ...
  3. I miss you more; you are always on my mind, promise.
  4. My love, we may live oceans apart, but our hearts are always attached; I wish you were here with me too!
Sep 25, 2023

When he says he misses you after no contact? ›

One reason an ex might say he is misses you, is that he is feeling lonely and insecure. Perhaps he has not been receiving the level of female attention he had hoped for as a single man. If this is the case your ex might tell you he misses you to see if you feel the same.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.