Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (2024)

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (1)

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (2)

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by Albert Silver

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12/23/2015 – It is no surprise to see stars such as Magnus Carlsen, who won a brilliant game today, Anish Giri, Li Chao, Wesley So, and even Maxim Matlakov in the lead with 3.5/4, but in sixth place leading an all-star group with 3.0/4 is the complete unknown and untitled Xu Yinglun with a fantastic 2856 performance. That is what opens are all about. Illustrated report with commented games.

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Qatar Masters 2015

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Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (14)

While the sheer strength of the Qatar Open is staggering in many ways, it is the sheer diversity of players and player strength that has helped to make it such a fun event to follow. Naturally, the foremost example of this is the presence of Magnus Carlsen, the world no. 1, facing players he would normally only face in a simul or exhibition event at best. It also leads to dream-come-true opportunities for those fortunate enough to play opposite him.

The wet dream of each player is of course to read the next day “Magnus Carlsen loses in incredible upset!” The harsh reality is usually closer to what the talented 17-year-old Jan-Krzysztof Duda experienced, being on the receiving end of a master class in chess.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (15)

It is not often that one had the privilege of playing the World Champion face-to-face

Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Magnus Carlsen (annotations by IM Sagar Shah)

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (16)

[Event "Qatar Masters Open 2015"] [Site "Doha QAT"] [Date "2015.12.23"] [Round "4.2"] [White "Duda, Jan-Krzysztof"] [Black "Carlsen, Magnus"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B92"] [WhiteElo "2663"] [BlackElo "2834"] [Annotator "Sagar Shah"] [PlyCount "84"] [EventDate "2015.12.20"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. Bg5 Nc6 9. Qd3 Nb4 $5 $146 {This move was made quite quickly by Magnus and hence he was clearly prepared.} 10. Qd2 h6 11. Bxf6 Bxf6 12. Nd5 $6 (12. a3 {is met by} Bg5 13. Qd1 Nc6 14. O-O Be6 15. Qd3 O-O 16. Rad1 $11 {And White has a much better position than what happened in the game.}) 12... Nxd5 13. Qxd5 Qc7 14. O-O-O Be7 15. Kb1 Be6 16. Qd3 O-O $15 {Black has a very pleasant position due to the following reasons: 1. He has the bishop pair. Although the bishop on e7 is not particularly great it can be activated either on g5 or after White plays f4 it can be strong on the a1-h8 diagonal. 2. The d5 square is weak, however the knight on b3 is at least three moves away from it and cannot really take advantage of it. 3. And last but not the least Black has a clear plan of attack on the queenside with b5-b4, a5-a4. White also can push his pawns down the board but somehow he lacks the firepower in that zone.} 17. f4 exf4 18. Nd4 Bd7 19. Rhf1 Bf6 20. Rxf4 Be5 {The bishop on e5 is really strong now.} 21. Rff1 Rac8 22. c3 b5 23. Nf3 Be6 24. Nd4 Bc4 25. Qf3 b4 $1 {White's king position is slowly but surely getting ripped open where as White has not yet started his play on the kingside.} 26. cxb4 Qb6 $1 27. Bxc4 Rxc4 28. Nc2 Rfc8 {The f7 pawn is not really so important as the king can hide safely on f7. Yet it made sense to take the pawn and then play Rd2.} 29. Rd2 (29. Qxf7+ Kh8 30. Rd2 Qc6 31. Qf2 Qxe4 (31... a5 {was played by Magnus in the game.}) 32. Re2 $14 {And White should defend this position and might well be slightly better.}) 29... Qc6 (29... Qc7 $1) 30. Qxf7+ Kh8 31. Qf2 a5 32. a3 $2 (32. bxa5 {is a computer move but it looks extremely scary and I won't be surprised if there is a mate somewhere around the corner.} Rb8 33. b3 Rc3 $40) 32... axb4 33. Nxb4 Qxe4+ 34. Ka2 Rxb4 $1 35. axb4 Ra8+ 36. Kb3 Rb8 37. Ka2 Qxb4 {The queen, rook and bishop combine to launch a winning attack against the White king.} 38. Rc1 Qa4+ 39. Kb1 Qe4+ 40. Rcc2 Bxb2 41. Qf3 Qe1+ 42. Rd1 Bd4+ (42... Bd4+ 43. Kc1 Be3+ {with a winning position. A fine game by Magnus Carlsen who had very little difficulty in crushing his talented young opponent.}) 0-1

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (17)

Magnus Carlsen has been growing with each round, and today was his best game so far

One might wonder what a player such as Carlsen gets out of this, other than an undoubtedly hefty appearance fee, and this game may answer that question. How often does one see a player such as Magnus play the black side of a notoriously sharp opening such as the Najdorf? Here he may be forced into oddball openings by his opponents, such as Yuffa with 1.e4 c5 2.b3, but it also allows him leeway to experiment outside his comfort zone without needing to fear the uber-preparation (and expertise) of Top Ten specialists.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (18)

On board one were Anish Giri and Li Chao

The leaders entering the round were Anish Giri and Li Chao, and though anything could happen, the game never really got out of hand and a draw was the logical result. This also meant that several other players could now rejoin them at 3.5/4. The World Champion was one of course, but he was not the only one. Wesley So and Maxim Matlakov also added their hats to the circle, defeating Akopian and Kosteniuk respectively, to complete the group.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (19)

Vladimir Akopian found himself in a dead lost opposite colored bishop ending that Wesley So
made no mistakes in. With this, the young American is tied for he lead and also within five Elo
of his rival compatriots Hikaru Nakamura and Fabiano Caruana.

Leading the group of 19 players on 3.0/4 is the complete unknown Chinese player Xu Yinglun, rated 2470 FIDE, but untitled. He made waves as one of the upsets in round one when he defeated Nikita Vitiugov (2724 FIDE), but never really left the sun as he drew Sjugirov and Vidit, both over 2640, and now in round four gunned down Indian GM Sethuraman, when the latter missed a tactic that he never recovered from.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (20)

After watching Wei Yi sacrifice a knight right in front of his king, Indian IM Vignish had to
have feared the worst, but his stars all lined up today, and he left the board the victor.

It hasn’t been all roses for the Chinese though, with Wei Yi suffering from rather extreme irregularity in his games. Today he lost to the young Indian IM Vignesh, but contrary to round one, the Chinese prodigy went from winning, to dead lost, to dead winning, to much better to dead lost as he blundered horribly on move 67. Just one of those days where one regrets ever having gotten out of bed.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (21)

In that mix of players at 3.0/4 is Vladimir Kramnik who played a fascinating game against
American GM Daniel Naroditsky, who fought very well, but in the end failed to keep pace.

Vladimir Kramink - Daniel Naroditsky

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (22)

[Event "Qatar Masters Open 2015"] [Site "Doha QAT"] [Date "2015.12.23"] [Round "4.9"] [White "Kramnik, Vladimir"] [Black "Naroditsky, Daniel"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D77"] [WhiteElo "2796"] [BlackElo "2628"] [Annotator "Sagar Shah"] [PlyCount "81"] [EventDate "2015.12.20"] 1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. d4 Nf6 5. O-O O-O 6. c4 {It is surprising to see Vladimir playing something mainstream.} dxc4 7. Na3 c3 8. bxc3 c5 9. Ne5 Nc6 $1 {Daniel is well prepared. Giving up this pawn is quite well known.} 10. Nac4 $1 (10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. Bxc6 Bh3 $44 {Gives Black excellent compensation.}) 10... Nd5 11. Nxc6 bxc6 12. Bd2 Ba6 13. Ne5 Qd6 14. Re1 cxd4 (14... Bxe5 15. dxe5 Qxe5 {is similar to the game but here having the c3 and c5 pawns means that the White queen can go to a3 and try to put pressure on the c5 pawn. White has the pleasant position here too.} 16. Qc1 $1 $14) 15. cxd4 Bxe5 16. dxe5 Qxe5 17. Rc1 {What is White's compensation for the missing pawn? First of all he has the bishop pair, which is a huge asset in this open position. Secondly the knight on d5 is not stable as e4 will be coming soon. And lastly the c6 pawn is quite weak and will most probably fall.} Rfd8 18. Qc2 Rac8 19. Qc5 Qd6 20. Qa5 (20. Qxa7 c5 {lands the white queen in a precarious situation on a7.}) 20... c5 21. Bh3 e6 22. Bg5 Re8 (22... Rd7 {was maybe a tad better.}) 23. Rcd1 Qe5 24. Bd2 Qh5 25. Bf1 Bb7 26. Qxa7 Rc7 27. Qa4 Ra8 28. Qc4 Nb6 29. Qc1 c4 30. Bg5 {Until this point both the players have been matching blow for blow and playing pretty well. However, here Daniel goes completely wrong and lands up in a lost position.} Qg4 $2 31. Bd8 $1 (31. e4 $1 {was even stronger. The threat is to play h3 and Bg2 and trap the queen.}) 31... Rc6 32. h3 Qh5 33. Bg5 {g4 with the threat of winning the queen is not so easy to parry.} Rc5 34. Bf6 Qf5 35. Bd4 Rb5 36. e4 Qf3 37. Bg2 Qa3 38. Qxa3 Rxa3 39. Rb1 $1 {A simple move that wins the house.} Rxb1 40. Rxb1 {The knight on b6 and the bishop on b7 are so awkwardly placed that one of them will fall.} c3 41. Bxb6 {A nice win for Kramnik after surviving a scare against Vocaturo yesterday. Daniel Naroditsky played quite well and can be happy at giving the World Champion quite a tough fight.} 1-0

The ladies had reason to cheer as well, as 15-year-old WGM Zhansaya Abdumalik scored again in round four with an impressive win over German IM Rasmus Svane (2529 FIDE). It should be noted that even in round three, when she lost to Indian GM Ganguly, she had started with a spectacular and powerful bishop sac, but had failed to find the best continuation. All the same, her fearlessness, and instincts cannot be faulted.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (23)

For the youth, 12-year-old Iranian FM Alireza Firouzja (left) continues his superb run, drawing
comfortably against Indian GM Harika Dronavalli, as he stands at 2.0/4 against a 2569 average.
In th photo above, he is together with his 14-year-old compatriot FM Aryan Gholami.

His colleague in years, 11-year-old Nodirbek Abdusattorov fared less well, as he failed to find the best continuation in a difficult rook endgame against Bartel Mateusz, against whom he might have draw, but he did get some slight moral compensation as that night he got to play alongside Magnus Carlsen in football.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (24)

A late night game of football after the round is over?

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (25)

You can count on Magnus! And not just him needless to say...

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (26)

The World Champion was extremely sporting passing the ball regularly to the 11-year-old
Nodirbek Abdusattorov, who would always promptly send it right back. It was very cute.

One of the movie extras from Mad Max: Ruslan Ponomariov

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (28)

Hou Yifan has played to her strength, and stands at 3.0/4 with a 2691 performance

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (29)

ChessBase author Alejandro Ramirez alongside Hou Yifan

Interview with Hou Yifan by IM Sagar Shah

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (30)

Indian GM Ganguly with Mahdi Abdul Rahman, the arbiter

Replay games of round four (with times per move)

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (31)

Pairings/Results of Round 4 on 2015/12/23 at 15:00



1GMLi Chao B2750½-½GMGiri Anish2784
2GMDuda Jan-Krzysztof26630-1GMCarlsen Magnus2834
3GMSo Wesley27751-0GMAkopian Vladimir2648
4GMDubov Daniil2655½-½GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2748
5GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2648½-½GMYu Yangyi2736
6GMNi Hua2693½-½GMSjugirov Sanan2646
7GMSwiercz Dariusz2646½-½GMHowell David W L2688
8GMKosteniuk Alexandra25420-1GMMatlakov Maxim2684
9GMKramnik Vladimir27961-0GMNaroditsky Daniel2628
10GMPiorun Kacper26370-1GMKarjakin Sergey2766
11GMTomashevsky Evgeny27440-1GMSalem A.R. Saleh2622
12GMGrandelius Nils2632½-½GMHarikrishna P.2743
13GMJakovenko Dmitry2737½-½GMIpatov Alexander2619
14GMWojtaszek Radoslaw27231-0GMVocaturo Daniele2597
15GMHamdouchi Hicham25970-1GMKorobov Anton2713
16GMIvanchuk Vassily2710½-½GMBluebaum Matthias2590
17GMZhang Zhong2619½-½GMPonomariov Ruslan2710
18GMHou Yifan26831-0GMEsen Baris2562
19GMFedoseev Vladimir26641-0GMXu Jun2526
20GMBok Benjamin25940-1GMBologan Viktor2654
21GMKhismatullin Denis26541-0GMStefanova Antoaneta2521
22IMYuffa Daniil2504½-½GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2644
23GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2642½-½IMGagare Shardul2470
24Xu Yinglun24701-0GMSethuraman S.P.2639
25GMSasikiran Krishnan2638½-½IMWang Yiye2438
26GMWei Yi27300-1IMVignesh N R2422
27IMTabatabaei M.Amin24820-1GMVitiugov Nikita2724
28IMMa Zhonghan24630-1GMMoiseenko Alexander2689
29FMMoroni Luca Jr24660-1GMAdhiban B.2669
30IMFirat Burak24460-1GMKhairullin Ildar2647
31GMLenderman Aleksandr2626½-½IMSagar Shah2441
32IMPuranik Abhimanyu2442½-½GMLu Shanglei2618
33GMTregubov Pavel V.25891-0Fang Yuxiang2438
34GMRambaldi Francesco2560½-½WGMSaduakassova Dinara2407
35IMAbhishek Kelkar2393½-½IMLin Chen2532
36IMSvane Rasmus25290-1WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2390
37IMChristiansen Johan-Sebastian23850-1GMBromberger Stefan2521
38GMAl-Sayed Mohammed25201-0IMKhademalsharieh Sarasadat2380
39Firouzja Alireza2372½-½GMHarika Dronavalli2513
40GMSundararajan Kidambi25131-0IMGuramishvili Sopiko2368
41IMTissir Mohamed2346½-½GMSchroeder Jan-Christian2511
42Roy Prantik2370½-½WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2493
43GMZhukova Natalia24880-1Raja Harsh*t2325
44GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.24860-1IMPham Le Thao Nguyen2319
45GMShankland Samuel L26461-0WIMPratyusha Bodda2260
46GMBartel Mateusz26201-0FMAbdusattorov Nodirbek2429
47IMBatsiashvili Nino24980-1FMRohan Ahuja2426
48IMSunilduth Lyna Narayanan24941-0FMHaria Ravi2416
49IMSeyb Alexander24250-1GMShoker Samy2489
50Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh24141-0IMLy Moulthun2462
51IMKaravade Eesha2379½-½IMAli Marandi Cemil Can2454
52IMKashlinskaya Alina2448½-½IMSaiyn Zhanat2394
53FMBasso Pier Luigi2438½-½FMLi Di2389
54Dai Changren2328½-½IMPadmini Rout2437
55WGMPourkashiyan Atousa23220-1IMAryan Chopra2436
56GMCarlsson Pontus2433½-½GMDzagnidze Nana2559
57GMKhotenashvili Bela24961-0IMSlavin Alexey2388
58IMNezad Husein Aziz2425½-½IMEzat Mohamed2490
59FMGholami Aryan2422½-½IMSanal Vahap2487
60IMKonguvel Ponnuswamy2377½-½GMNeelotpal Das2475
61WIMBivol Alina23440-1GMKrush Irina2468
62IMLorparizangeneh Shahin24541-0IMLi Ruofan2372
63FMGoriatchkin Jouri23181-0GMVenkatesh M.R.2451
64IMVogel Roven24391-0WGMBartel Marta2271
65Siva Mahadevan2400½-½WIMDerakhshani Dorsa2307
66WFMVaishali R23131-0IMPiasetski Leon2287

Schedule for Playchess Commentary

Wed23 DecemberRound 43 PMDaniel KingThomas Luther
Thu24 DecemberRound 53 PMSimon WilliamsThomas Luther
Fri25 DecemberRest day
Sat26DecemberRound 63 PMMihail MarinThomas Luther
Sun27DecemberRound 73 PMSimon WilliamsSebastian Siebrecht
Mon 28DecemberRound 83 PMDaniel KingSebastian Siebrecht
Tue 29DecemberRound 912 PMYasser SeirawanSebastian Siebrecht


The games will be broadcast live on the official web site and on the server If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs.

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (32)


Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (33)Books, boards, sets: Chess Niggemann

Qatar 2015 Rd4: Five stars and one dark horse (34)
Books, boards, sets: Chess Niggemann

Albert SilverBorn in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.


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