How to Study Effectively: 15 Tips for 2022 (2024)

Table of contents

  1. 💪 Student Superheroes

  2. 🙌 Path to Success

  3. 🏁 Be Ready!

  4. ⏱ Manage Your Time

  5. 📖 Learning and Memorizing

  6. 😰 Controlling Test Anxiety

Ever wondered how to study effectively? Why does one of your classmates need just a couple of hours to memorize information and pass an exam with flying colors? And why does another spend a night cramming material and still struggle to recall anything?

Actually, the answer to all of that:

Effective studying comes from regularity and consistently implemented habits. If you want to make the best of your time spent learning, you have to find an approach and study tips that work for you. Thankfully, that’s why our IvyPanda team has developed this guide.

Below, you will find how to study smart, essay writing tips, and tricks for managing your anxiety.

💪 Student superheroes

You have probably heard of the trait theory of leadership. According to it, some people are born to become leaders. They just have some features in their blood.

Such students have numerous advantages compared to others as they can:

  • acquire information quicker,

  • study for exams faster,

  • pass tests without being nervous.

Maybe some people are born to be the best. Yet, it is total nonsense to say that all students who spend less time studying belong to this group of people.

The successful passing of exams depends on understanding how learning works. Studying is a skill, and cramming all night before the exam is not a secret ingredient of success.

🙌 Path to success

Having good study habits presupposes knowing your strengths and weaknesses, using different study methods, and organizing the process. One can acquire valuable skills by paying attention to the organization of the process of learning first.

Your strategy should include the following steps:

  • Preparation for studying;

  • Time-management;

  • Learning and memorizing;

  • Controlling test anxiety.

🏁 Be ready!

Effective studying never starts from opening the book. It requires the whole organization process to take place before anything. Thus, before studying, you have to prepare yourself and your study materials.

1. Set goals

First of all, you should prepare for your study by setting goals. They are necessary to make you keep going. Don’t underestimate their power.

Be sure that:

  • You know why you are studying. It can be for scraping through the exam, finishing college, getting good grades, satisfying your parents, or having professional knowledge for your future career. No matter what your goal is, it should be an impetus for studying;

  • Your goals are achievable. You should be able to achieve them within a particular period of time and with substantial effort. No need for making over-optimistic promises — be realistic!

How to Study Effectively: 15 Tips for 2022 (1)

2. Choose the place for studying

This decision is up to you alone. You should find a place where you feel comfortable (but not comfortable for sleeping). Some people can study with background music, while others need silence.

You will know how to study smart with some of these tips:

  • Light matters. The place you have chosen should be well lit. Areas with poor lighting are more likely to make you sleepy;

  • Noise matters. If you need background noise, you may go to the café or turn on some music. Meanwhile, a library may be the best option for people who prefer absolute silence.

  • Time matters. You should not make yourself wake up early in the morning and study just because it works for that friend of yours. If you are a night owl, feel free to study in the evening.

3. Avoid distractions and boost productivity

Numerous things that you use are invisible thieves of your energy and concentration:

  • Studying while the television is on may result in constant distraction from thoughtful reading.

  • The same is true with your smartphone. Answering incoming calls leads to wasted time. As a result, you become tired before you have managed to study anything.

  • The Internet is probably your enemy as well. If you need a computer, close all social media, and concentrate on your task.

What’s the bottom line?

You can boost productivity in many ways. It can be drinking coffee or listening to classical music. You should know what makes you active and use it for your studying.

How to Study Effectively: 15 Tips for 2022 (2)

4. Stay motivated

Attitude and mindset play a crucial role in successful and easy studying. ‘I don’t feel like studying’ is a widespread reason to avoid doing something worthwhile. Follow these easy recommendations, and you will be impressed at how they will change your attitude towards studying:

  • Don’t underestimate yourself. Remind yourself that you have the necessary study skills and can achieve anything. You should always be your greatest supporter.

  • No negative thinking. Thoughts like, ‘I will never do it,’ ‘I can’t stand doing it anymore, ‘I’m a total failure, I will fail it for sure’ are not acceptable if you want to pass your exam.

  • Don’t compare yourself to others. Thoughts like, ‘I bet that Meggy has already studied half of the book’ is an unnecessary distraction. Such ideas only increase your dissatisfaction and demotivate you.

In essence, attitude towards learning habits and upcoming exams is what differentiates quick learners from others in most cases. Self-confidence is a great determiner of success.

⏱ Manage your time

The proper division of time is one of the most critical study tips. The disorganization and constant putting off until tomorrow are two major problems.

5. Avoid procrastination

Currently, putting away tasks for later seems to be one of the most pressing problems for students. A study of procrastination among students has shown that 80-95% of students procrastinate. Most of them justify that fact by stating that working under pressure improves their efficiency. However, the study results have demonstrated that there is a connection between low GPA and procrastination habits.

To avoid it, you should:

6. Schedule every hour

If you want to know how to study effectively, you have to manage your time correctly. It is halfway to success. If you doubt whether you are a procrastinator, do this test to find out.

Yet, our tips on time management can be helpful regardless of the results:

  • Make a to-do list. Nothing can be easier than writing down everything you have to do. Make a list of all your tasks and give them deadlines. Then, write down the assignments with the shortest deadlines first. Classify these as urgent depending on their priority. Lastly, make a final list of what should be done first.

  • Use a tool for organizing. It can be an app on your phone or a calendar with crucial tasks circled in red. You should find the most efficient way to remind yourself about the upcoming deadlines.

  • Count every minute. Be precise when planning your schedule. Think about the necessary amount of time for the particular task, and don’t overvalue your possibilities. Always take into account potential delays and leave time for planning.

In fact, students are expected to spend 35 hours a week studying. Check how many hours you need to attend all classes. Then, use the rest of the time for independent work.

📖 Learning and memorizing

Some students tend to try different memorizing techniques without considering their learning style. For example, a student needs to hear the information they want to remember. In this case, highlighting essential parts of the text won’t be as efficient as it is for a visual learner.

That’s why:

7. Know your learning style

Identify your learning style and choose appropriate techniques for study. People are generally divided into three types of learners:

  • Visuals are those who learn by seeing something. Highlighting does work for such people.

  • Auditory learners who prefer listening. It is advisable for this type of learner to speak with others, read aloud, or record themselves.

  • Tactile learners learn something new by doing it. They need to practice if they want to memorize the theory.

If you are not sure about your learning style, follow this link and find it out by answering these simple questions.

How to Study Effectively: 15 Tips for 2022 (3)

8. Use different study tips for memorization

You have chosen a place for study, got rid of all distractions, and evaluated the urgency of your tasks. Half the work is done. Now it is time to start working on your study habits. Many articles emphasize the significance of such techniques as visiting lectures, making notes, or reading before bed.

Such study tips are helpful, but they are not universal. They don’t work for every single student. That’s why you have to try out and implement different recommendations at the same time.

Here are some creative techniques for study:

  • The system of rewards. Promise yourself that you will buy that fancy dress or watch (or anything else you want) after passing the exam. This type may be classified as a long-term extrinsic motivator. Also, you can make the process of studying more pleasant by giving yourself little treats. For example, let yourself eat or drink something delicious when you finish some part of your studying.

  • Read upside down. This study habit is efficient if you need to cram something. Yes, cramming is believed to be an ineffective method of studying. Yet, every student knows that sometimes there is no other way out. When you read upside down, you have to focus better. Otherwise, you won’t be able to understand the meaning of the text. Concentrating on something makes you memorize and comprehend it quicker.

  • Teach somebody. This method is fantastic, and it works in most cases. When you teach someone, you have to explain the topic. No explanation is possible without understanding. Consequently, you will have to do your best to describe the issue to your friend (or anybody else, including you) so that they can get it.

Also, you can always search a free essay database for either more tips or to get some extra info on the topic you’re studying.

9. Use flashcards

Flashcards are handy for becoming a better learner:

  • Write down essential facts using bullet points, different colors and fonts to enhance visual perception.

  • Take them with you everywhere you go and don’t miss the opportunity to read them during the so-called ‘dead times’ (waiting for a bus, standing in a queue).

  • You can even pin them to your fridge or bathroom mirror. This way, they will always be in your sight.

  • Use flashcards in group activities with your classmates.

Moreover, you can keep them on your smartphone or computer by using specific apps! Here are some examples perfect for university and college students:

  • GoConqr – with this app, you can use great flashcards made just for visual learning or create your own set. Add images, formulas, and text to make your flashcards.

  • Cram – almost 200 million cards for learning online. You can read cards or enable audio records.

10. Use our checklist

Each time you study, you can try different study techniques. For this purpose, keep this checklist around:

✔️Set study sessionsPractice studying during small repeated sessions. For example, set a timer for 25 minutes in the morning right after you have breakfast.
✔️Use mnemonic devicesTo memorize boring data, try to come up with jokes, rhymes, and songs about it. Humor and vivid imagery help students learn.
✔️VisualizeDraw charts, diagrams, and pictures with what’s happening. Use highlighters and colorful pens.
✔️Make connectionsThink of how the new information you learn relates to what you already know.
✔️Change settingsTry studying in a new environment. You can change settings each time you feel bored or lack focus.
✔️SleepHealthy sleep improves your memory and learning skills. Taking power naps (30-60 mins) can help you find your focus and motivation.

Find out more great study habits that are scientifically proved in this video.

😰 Controlling text anxiety

Even for a well-prepared student, anxiety may spoil everything, especially before an exam. Being too nervous may result in poor concentration and, as a result, a bad grade. People who pass exams easily know not only how to study but how to stay calm.

Here are some tips on how to stay relaxed during your test:

11. Read the tasks and use samples

Read all instructions carefully and follow directions exactly. Whether it’s a chemistry, physics, or history test—understanding the task is the most significant start for a successful score.

If you still don’t feel prepared for the test, try out a couple of online exams. Find some test questions that may appear on your future exam.

Finding essay samples on any topic is possible. Analyze them, and you won’t have to develop your own paper from scratch:

  • 125 College Essay Examples for 13 Schools + Expert Analysis– an enormous pick of college essay samples for practice.

  • Writing Sample Essays – an excellent essay analysis you can use as learning material. You’ll learn what standards to follow when writing a paper.

  • Essay Questions – this is an excellent option for those who are struggling with anxiety. All essay questions are fun and exciting to read. They also help you find a creative way of writing on your own.

How to Study Effectively: 15 Tips for 2022 (4)

12. Stay positive and healthy

According to statistics, 25% of school students are affected by test anxiety. It doesn’t only affect their academic performance. It impacts health, giving such symptoms as nausea, stomach pain, headaches, and shortness of breath.


You can’t let yourself be stressed all the time. Take some time to read workbooks, do exercises, and make other preparations. But then, take some time to relax, eat healthily, have a good night’s sleep, and build your confidence.

13. Breathe

If you feel too worried, try taking slow, deep breaths that will cool you down.

If feelings of panic and anxiety are familiar to you, it’s great to learn the 4×4 breathing technique. Navy SEALs use it and, if performed correctly, it eliminates all the negative signs of anxiety.

To perform it, follow these instructions:

  • Inhale for 4 seconds.

  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds.

  • Exhale for 4 seconds.

  • Don’t breathe for 4 seconds.

Repeat until you feel calm and not threatened by a panic attack.

14. Use relaxation and meditation apps

Note-taking, reading scientific resources, or exercising are helpful activities. Unfortunately, they won’t work if you worry too much. That’s why you should install one of these apps on your desktop or smartphone. Such software can turn into quite an excellent strategy for staying calm and passing exams.

Here are some app suggestions:

  • Calm helps thousands of people to improve their sleep, perform meditation, and release stress. It allows you to listen to stories by Stephen Fry, Tamara Levitt, and others. You’ll do breathing exercises and experience soothing nature sounds until you’re okay.

  • Meditation and Relaxation is an app that includes essential parts of a healthy routine. It takes care of your productivity, calmness, sleep, and happiness. Learn to meditate and do that every day. It will eliminate all anxiety on your way to exam success.

  • Aura is a free app for iOS and Android that helps you reduce stress and improve your mood. It includes essential components: a gratitude journal, breathing exercises, mood analysis, and sounds of nature. Track your happiness, meditate, and increase your level in game-like software.

15. Check the video

We can’t fit all the helpful techniques in one article. Therefore, we offer you a video with more valuable ways of coping with test anxiety.

Thank you for reading! We hope that now you know how to study effectively and won’t have any struggles in the future. Share the page with other students who may need these tips.

How to Study Effectively: 15 Tips for 2022 (2024)


How do you study effectively 2022? ›

10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Study Better in 2022
  1. Interval studying. ...
  2. Revise studied content earlier. ...
  3. Test your memory by rewriting what you've learned. ...
  4. Exercise before settling down to study. ...
  5. Self-assessment is key. ...
  6. Sleep well after studying. ...
  7. Taking breaks is of paramount importance. ...
  8. Learn with the aim of teaching.

How can I study 15 hours effectively? ›

Having said that here are seven steps you can take to study long hours without getting overly tired or drowsy:
  1. Prioritize your schedule: take up difficult topics early in the day. ...
  2. Exercise. ...
  3. Steal a nap. ...
  4. Eat to maintain energy levels. ...
  5. Conserve your mental energy. ...
  6. Take regular breaks. ...
  7. If possible, study/ work in daylight.
16 Sept 2022

What are the 3 secret study tips? ›

3 Secret Study Tips
  • Know what your lecturers want. Before you start studying a topic, write down your lecturer's learning objectives for that topic. ...
  • Make a study plan. Many people waste time when they study because they don't have a plan. ...
  • Use effective study techniques.

What are the top 5 tips secrets for studying? ›

5 Study Tips to Set You Up for Success
  • Find a Go-To Study Location. For starters, find a quiet, well-lit area that is available to you whenever you need to study. ...
  • Avoid the Stress of Cramming by Using a Spaced Study Session Method. ...
  • M N E M O N I C S. ...
  • Simple Self-Testing Practice. ...
  • Learn, Relearn, and Learn Again.
25 Apr 2018

How can I become No 1 in studies? ›

To achieve the first rank in your class, you will have to stay disciplined and study hard throughout the year. Take part in class activities and do all of your homework on time, including reading assignments. Organize your study time, test yourself, and eliminate distractions that will reduce your productivity.

Is 2 hours enough study? ›

If your class is an hour-long once a week, you need to study that material 2-3 hours per day. Many experts say the best students spend between 50-60 hours of studying per week.

How can I study smart? ›

Studying 101: Study Smarter Not Harder
  1. Reading is not studying. Simply reading and re-reading texts or notes is not actively engaging in the material. ...
  2. Understand the Study Cycle. ...
  3. Spacing out is good. ...
  4. It's good to be intense. ...
  5. Silence isn't golden. ...
  6. Problems are your friend. ...
  7. Reconsider multitasking. ...
  8. Switch up your setting.

Is 2 hours of study good? ›

Tips on pacing your studying:

The recommended amount of time to spend on your studies is 2-3 hours per credit per week (4 hours per credit per week for Math classes), right from week 1. For example, for a 3-unit course, this means 6-9 hours devoted to studying per week.

How do you get 100 in all exams? ›

To get higher marks in your exams, take thorough notes in your classes so you can use them to study. Also, try to study for at least 30 minutes every day leading up to your exams so you memorize the material. Avoid cramming for your tests the night before or you could overload your brain and forget everything.

How can I top in exam? ›

21 Best Study Tips for Final Exams
  1. Make the Most of Class Time. ...
  2. Study with Classmates. ...
  3. Take Advantage of Office Hours. ...
  4. Create Flashcards. ...
  5. Find a Good Study Spot. ...
  6. Switch It Up. ...
  7. Read and Review—Early and Often. ...
  8. Stay Organized.

How can I study and not forget? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

How do you get 80 in all subjects? ›

A distinction pass is when you obtain 80% or above in your subjects.
This is how you can do it:
  1. Attend class.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Make notes.
  4. Study.
  5. Practise.
  6. Study groups.
  7. Extra class.
  8. Motivation.
22 Jun 2022

How can I study very hard? ›

10 proven tips to study smarter, not harder
  1. Study in short chunks. Short study sessions help the synapses in your brain process information much better than lots of information in long sessions. ...
  2. Get in the zone. ...
  3. Sleep well and exercise. ...
  4. Write flash cards. ...
  5. Connect the dots. ...
  6. Set goals. ...
  7. Test yourself. ...
  8. Aim to teach it.
23 May 2016

Which time is best for study? ›

Most of the students prefer to study in the early morning, generally from 4 or 5 AM in the morning as the brain is more likely to concentrate. It could be the best option for students who have more stamina early in the day.

Why can't I focus on studying? ›

Distractions such as social media, phone calls, and a busy environment can affect your focus. If you want to concentrate, try switching off electronic devices and find a tidy space with minimal noise and crowding. Insufficient sleep can make it hard to concentrate.

Why I can't focus on my studies? ›

Start by incorporating relaxing and enjoyable activities into your schedule. Try and exercise as that relieves physical and mental stress. Then organize your studies and set aside specific times to study with brief breaks built in. Do not try and fit in too much and keep your goals reasonable.

How can I learn 10X faster? ›

Just so you don't waste your time on memory tips that are NOT going to 10X your memory...
  1. Eat right.
  2. Drink water.
  3. Get a good night's sleep.
  4. Take Omega-3.
  5. Meditate.
  6. Exercise.
  7. Learn a new skill.
  8. Socialize.

Why is studying so hard? ›

One of the most common reasons students find it difficult to study, is because of a lack of concentration. Once you start studying it is important to stay focused and not let your thoughts wander.

How many hours should a 14 year old study? ›

Jayaprakash Gandhi, a career consultant based in Salem, Tamil Nadu, believes that while a child shouldn't be spending over four hours in school until class 5, for senior secondary and secondary students, an eight-hour school day is ideal.

How much studying is too much? ›

You should never fill more than 50% of your free time with studying. You need regular breaks.

Why do I forget what I studied? ›

The human brain occupies a fascinating evolutionary in-between of remembering and forgetting. In many cases, we keep only the gist of our the expense of holding onto specific details. In fact, forgetting can be attributed to the presence of interfering memories and the fading of memories.

Which study is best? ›

Top 10 Best Degree Courses In India 2022 [After 12th]
  • Bachelor's in Business Administration and Masters in Business Administration BBA/MBA.
  • Bachelors in engineering and master in engineering BE/ME.
  • Bachelor's in computer application and Master in computer application BCA/MCA.
27 Apr 2022

Can I study 4 subjects a day? ›

It's more effective to study multiple subjects each day to help you stay focused, than to deep-dive into one or two subjects (Rohrer, D. 2012). For example, if you're preparing for exams in math, history, physics, and chemistry, it's better to study a bit of each subject every day.

Is studying 1 hour enough? ›

Take Time Off Between One-Hour Or Two-Hour Sessions

Most good study sessions are at least 1 hour long. It is sufficient enough for a JEE aspirant to dive into the pool of study material. But it can be counterproductive if you find yourself reading long chapters continually without stopping.

Is Good luck with your studies correct? ›

“Good luck in your studies” means “I wish you good luck in your educational program.” We'd say this to a student. If we're talking about a research project, both “Good luck with your study” and “Good luck in your study” are correct, but there may a slight difference in meaning.

What is the secret of passing exams? ›

Allocate time for each question and keep an eye on the clock. If you don't know the answer to a question, skip it and return to it later. Never leave an exam early, use your time given to fully complete and revise your answers. And remember – you can only do your best.

What are the secrets of topper? ›

Topper's Productivity Secrets - 7 Tips with 100% Accuracy
  • 1) Short study duration. ...
  • 2) Sticking to the study plan. ...
  • 3) Seek to understand, not memorise. ...
  • 4) Switch between focused and divergent thinking. ...
  • 5) Spending more time on practice than on reading. ...
  • 6) Use learning tools to prepare.

How do you get 100 marks in every subject? ›

Tips and tricks to tackle those difficult areas prior to your board exams.
  1. Plan your schedule: ...
  2. Note-making is an effective method: ...
  3. Solve previous years' question papers: ...
  4. Understand the concepts while studying: ...
  5. Group study can help:
21 Nov 2016

What should I do 1 hour before an exam? ›

Top tips to prepare for exams
  1. Use your moments wisely. The few minutes before you switch off the light is a fantastic time for memorisation. ...
  2. Eat a great meal. Make a special effort to cook yourself a decent meal. ...
  3. Laugh. ...
  4. Make sure you wake up. ...
  5. Know when to stop. ...
  6. Use the space. ...
  7. Don't drink too much. ...
  8. Do what works for you.

How can I top in exam in one night? ›

  1. Don't try to memorize everything word for word. Try to understand what you are reading and make sure you get the main point. ...
  2. Make sure to stay hydrated! Water is good for your body and will nourish you while you cram. ...
  3. Instead of memorizing everything you pose your eyes on, try to understand what you're reading.

How can I learn big answers in 5 minutes? ›

  1. Read the whole answer only to understand .
  2. Don't think of memorising in one go.
  3. Break the question in parts( as many u wish.. ...
  4. Now go through one part and learn it loudly.
  5. Now check whether u have learnt by hiding the answer.
  6. If yes: repeat process 4 and 5 till u complete the answer.
  7. If not: try to learn again and again.

How can I make my memory strong? ›

  1. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Physical activity increases blood flow to your whole body, including your brain. ...
  2. Stay mentally active. ...
  3. Socialize regularly. ...
  4. Get organized. ...
  5. Sleep well. ...
  6. Eat a healthy diet. ...
  7. Manage chronic conditions.

How can I study without laziness? ›

Tips for Students to Overcome Laziness
  1. Attain Discipline and Stick to It. The first and most essential point is to attain discipline. ...
  2. Eliminate Distractions. ...
  3. Create a Timetable. ...
  4. Maintain a Stipulated Time for Studying Every Day. ...
  5. Take Breaks. ...
  6. Set Achievable Goals. ...
  7. Seek Assistance. ...
  8. Self-Rewards After Completing a Goal.

Which Mark is A+ in 80? ›

State boards may give either or both marks and grades; if grades are given, most grade students linearly (e.g.: A+ for >90, A for 80–90 for Kerala state).

Can I get science with 70 percent? ›

The minimum percentage for go to the science stream is around 60%. you should have passed your 10th standard with at least 50% marks in all subjects from a recognised board.

How do you pass maths? ›

Here are some of the top tips for how to study for math exams.
  1. Start Early. Being prepared for a test starts with taking class seriously. ...
  2. Do Your Homework. ...
  3. Try a Planning Approach. ...
  4. Use Practice Tests and Exams. ...
  5. Use Flashcards. ...
  6. Practice Online. ...
  7. Try a Study Group. ...
  8. Set Rewards.

What is the hardest study? ›

The hardest degree subjects are Chemistry, Medicine, Architecture, Physics, Biomedical Science, Law, Neuroscience, Fine Arts, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Economics, Education, Computer Science and Philosophy.

Is studying at 3am good? ›

Studying at 3 AM is a good idea for those who have more brain power and higher energy levels in the wee hours of the night. The same is true for those who can focus more at night as they have accomplished their everyday tasks already and have fewer distractions and interruptions to worry about.

Is studying late at night good? ›

Benefits of Studying at Night

1) People are more active, loud and intense during the day. At night it's only you so you can study in peace and quiet. 2) At night, there are fewer distractions as compared to the day time. Most of your friends are asleep and your social networks will be less active.

Is it better to study or sleep? ›

Scores of studies conclude that students really do better when they sleep. Sleeping poorly (or not at all) leads to worse test results and poorer ability to learn new things. In fact, an all nighter hurts your ability to think, reason, and understand to the same degree as if you were taking your test drunk.

What is the most effective study method? ›

Studying a single subject for a long period of time and repeating phrases over and over to memorize them (known as massed practice) Reviewing one topic repeatedly before moving onto another topic (blocked practice) Reading and rereading a text. Highlighting or underlining important concepts in a text and then reviewing.

What can we learn in 2022? ›

7 high-income skills to learn
  • Data analysis. Analytical thinking and innovation is the top skill forecasted in the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report [1]. ...
  • Software development. ...
  • User experience. ...
  • Web development. ...
  • Project management. ...
  • Account management. ...
  • Content creation and management.
29 Aug 2022

When should I start revising for a level 2022? ›

Planning is the key to effective revision. Reports from WhatUni agree that four to five weeks (around a month before your first exam) is the minimum time you should set yourself to revise. So if your first exam is in the middle of May, you might want to start revising during or just after the Easter holidays.

How can I study faster without forgetting? ›

Now let's look at some of the ways research shows you can remember more and forget less:
  1. Drink coffee to improve memory consolidation. ...
  2. Meditate to improve working memory.
  3. Eat berries for better long-term memory.
  4. Exercise to improve memory recall.
  5. Chew gum to make stronger memories.
  6. Sleep more to consolidate memories.

Which skill is best for future? ›

What are the top skills you should learn for the future?
  1. Artificial intelligence. You don't need to work in the artificial intelligence (AI) field to expect to encounter AI in your workplace. ...
  2. Coding. ...
  3. Cloud computing. ...
  4. Blockchain. ...
  5. UX design. ...
  6. Critical thinking. ...
  7. Emotional intelligence. ...
  8. Communication.

Which skill should I learn? ›

Many employers see creativity as one of the most important skills when considering job candidates. Learning how to apply creative thinking to your job responsibilities can help you develop new and effective solutions for common challenges you might encounter in your role.

What skills can I learn in a day? ›

List of 10 Skills you can Learn in a Day
  • Learn to Whistle with your Fingers. ...
  • Learn to tie a Tie. ...
  • Learn how to build a Fire. ...
  • Learn to Juggle. ...
  • Learn the Nato Alphabets. ...
  • Learn how to Attach Papers (without paperclips or stapler) ...
  • Learn to Tie your Shoes Really Fast. ...
  • Learn to Shuffle Cards.
4 Dec 2013

What are the 5 successful study habits? ›

Try out some of our five favourite study habits and learn some life-long skills.
  • Make a schedule. Number one on any list of study habits has to be making a schedule. ...
  • Create your environment. This one is so important while we're on lockdown. ...
  • Study in bursts. Treat your brain like a muscle. ...
  • Find a study group.
6 Apr 2020

How do you get an A * in A level? ›

To achieve the A*A*, you need to get AA overall and then get at least 90% across all six of the A2 units. If you do not achieve A*A*, it is still possible to gain A*A. To achieve A*A, you need to get an A overall and then get at least 90% across your best three A2 units.

How can I pass my exam with top grades? ›

8 simple tips for exam success
  1. Make the most of your study time.
  2. Don't just study solo.
  3. Deal with your stress.
  4. Ask for help.
  5. Get plenty of sleep.
  6. Prep the night before.
  7. Make the most of your morning.
  8. When you're in the exam room… take your time.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.