75 Names That Mean Insect and More (2024) (2024)

Looking for unique and meaningful names for your baby? If you have a fascination with insects or simply want a name that stands out, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we will explore a collection of baby boy and baby girl names that mean insect or have a closely related meaning.

When it comes to naming your child, finding a name that holds significance and reflects your interests can be a wonderful choice.

Names that mean insect can be a great option for nature lovers or those who appreciate the beauty and diversity of the insect world.

From names inspired by butterflies and bees to those associated with beetles and ants, there is a wide range of options to choose from.

These names not only have a unique and distinctive sound, but they also carry a deeper meaning that connects your child to the natural world.

Whether you’re looking for a name that symbolizes transformation, resilience, or industriousness, Names That Mean Insect offer a wealth of possibilities.

So, let’s dive into this fascinating collection and discover the perfect name for your little one!

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Baby Names That Mean Insect

Coleoptera – “sheath wing” (Greek)

Entomos – “insect” (Greek)

Hexapodis – “six feet” (Greek)

Insektus – “cut into” (Latin)

Chitinus – “covering” (Latin)

Arachno – “spider” (Greek)

Formico – “ant” (Latin)

Lepida – “scale-wing” (Latin)

Myrmex – “ant” (Greek)

Scarabo – “beetle” (Italian)

Papilio – “butterfly” (Latin)

Arthropos – “jointed foot” (Greek)

Cimicis – “bug” (Latin)

Blatta – “co*ckroach” (Latin)

Diptera – “two wings” (Greek)

75 Names That Mean Insect and More (2024) (1)

Boy Names That Mean Insect

1. Cole – “coal black” (English)

2. Mason – “stone worker” (English)

3. Drake – “dragon” (English)

4. Jasper – “spotted or speckled stone” (English)

5. Gideon – “feller of trees” (Hebrew)

6. Jonah – “dove” (Hebrew)

7. Silas – “wood, forest” (Latin)

8. Leo – “lion” (Latin)

9. Griffin – “strong lord” (Welsh)

10. Wyatt – “brave in war” (English)

11. Asher – “happy, blessed” (Hebrew)

12. Felix – “lucky, fortunate” (Latin)

13. Adrian – “man of Adria” (Latin)

14. Julian – “youthful, downy” (Latin)

15. Everett – “brave as a wild boar” (English)

Girl Names That Mean Insect

1. Melissa – “honey bee” (Greek)

2. Vanessa – “butterfly” (Greek)

3. Jorah – “wasp” (Hebrew)

4. Mariposa – “butterfly” (Spanish)

5. Coccinelle – “ladybug” (French)

6. Avis – “bee” (Latin)

7. Farasha – “butterfly” (Arabic)

8. Hachi – “bee” (Japanese)

9. Zizi – “firefly” (Hebrew)

10. Libelle – “dragonfly” (Dutch)

11. Yara – “butterfly” (Arabic)

12. Chou – “butterfly” (Chinese)

13. Nokomis – “daughter of the moon” (Native American)

14. Tzipporah – “bird” (Hebrew)

15. Vespertine – “evening” (Latin)

Unisex Names That Mean Insect

Arachnid – “spider” (Greek)

Coleoptera – “beetle” (Greek)

Formica – “ant” (Latin)

Lepidus – “butterfly” (Latin)

Hymen – “membrane” (Greek)

Scarabaeus – “dung beetle” (Latin)

Myrmidon – “ant warrior” (Greek)

Papilio – “butterfly” (Latin)

Mellifera – “honey-bearing” (Latin)

Cicada – “cicada” (Latin)

Draco – “dragonfly” (Latin)

Isoptera – “termite” (Greek)

Vespa – “wasp” (Latin)

Mantid – “praying mantis” (Greek)

Diptera – “two wings” (Greek)

Nymphalis – “nymph” (Greek)

Thysanura – “bristle tail” (Greek)

Blatta – “co*ckroach” (Latin)

Odonata – “toothed one” (Greek)

Aranea – “spider” (Latin)

Caelifera – “sky dancer” (Latin)

Coleo – “sheath” (Latin)

Culicidae – “mosquito” (Latin)

Orthoptera – “straight wings” (Greek)

Pupa – “doll” (Latin)

Podura – “springtail” (Latin)

Bombyx – “silkworm” (Latin)

Plecoptera – “folded wings” (Greek)

Thrip – “small insect” (Old English)

Mantis – “prophet” (Greek)

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Insect

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance.

Many parents seek names that have a deeper meaning or symbolism, reflecting their hopes and aspirations for their child.

One unique and intriguing category of names is “Names That Mean Insect.”

The significance of choosing a name that means insect lies in the symbolism associated with these creatures.

Insects are often seen as symbols of transformation, adaptability, and resilience.

They undergo remarkable metamorphosis, transitioning from humble larvae to beautiful and graceful creatures.

This symbolism can inspire parents to choose a name that represents their desire for their child to grow, evolve, and overcome challenges in life.

Furthermore, insects are known for their industrious nature and their ability to work together in harmony. Ants, for example, are renowned for their teamwork and determination.

By selecting a name that means insect, parents may hope to instill qualities such as hard work, cooperation, and perseverance in their child.

Another aspect to consider is the diversity and abundance of insect species.

From butterflies to bees, ladybugs to fireflies, there is a wide range of insects with unique characteristics and symbolism.

Parents may choose a specific insect name based on its symbolism or personal connection to their family or cultural heritage.

Names That Mean Insect can also be a way to celebrate nature and its intricate beauty.

Insects play a vital role in ecosystems, pollinating plants and aiding in the balance of nature.

By giving their child a name associated with insects, parents may express their appreciation for the natural world and their desire to raise an environmentally conscious individual.

It is important to note that the choice of a name is deeply personal and subjective.

Some parents may resonate with the symbolism and significance of Names That Mean Insect, while others may prefer different themes or meanings.

Ultimately, the most important factor is selecting a name that holds meaning and resonates with the parents and their child.


75 Names That Mean Insect and More (2024) (2024)
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