139+ Poison Names [Names That Mean Poison] - Tag Vault (2024)

Poison names are names that have a direct or indirect association with poison or toxic substances.

Here are some characteristics that are commonly associated with poison names:

  • Dark and foreboding: Poison names often carry a negative connotation and evoke a sense of danger or menace.
  • Unusual or exotic: Many poison names have an unusual or exotic sound, which makes them stand out from more common names.
  • Historical or mythological significance: Some poison names are derived from historical or mythological sources, such as the Greek goddess of witchcraft and poison, Hecate.
  • Gender-neutral: Poison names are often gender-neutral, meaning they can be used for both boys and girls.
  • Rarely used: Poison names are not very common, and are often considered unique or unconventional.
  • Uncommon spellings: Poison names may have unconventional spellings, which makes them even more distinctive.

Some examples of poison names include Arsenic, Belladonna, Hemlock, Stryker, and Cyanide.

It’s important to note that while these names may sound interesting, they may not be suitable for a child’s name, as they carry a negative connotation and may not be well-received by others.

Table of Contents

Names That Mean Poison or Venom

Names That Mean Poison or Venom:

  • Arsenio – This name comes from the Greek word “arsenikos,” meaning “potent” or “virile,” and is derived from the Latin word “arsenicum,” which means “yellow orpiment.”
  • Belladonna – A beautiful and deadly plant, this Italian name translates to “beautiful lady” and is also known as “deadly nightshade.”
  • Delila – Meaning “delicate,” this Hebrew name is associated with the biblical character who betrayed Samson and caused his downfall.
  • Gelsemium – This name is derived from a toxic plant native to Southeast Asia and is associated with death, paralysis, and respiratory failure.
  • Hemlock – Named after the poisonous plant that famously killed the philosopher Socrates, this name comes from the Old English words “hem” and “locc,” meaning “poison” and “lock” or “stalk.”
  • Hydra – In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a poisonous, multi-headed serpent that grew two new heads for every one that was cut off.
  • Jinx – A name derived from the word “jinx,” meaning a curse or hex.
  • Nicodemus – This Greek name means “victorious people,” but it is also the name of a highly toxic plant that can cause paralysis and death.
  • Oleander – Named after a highly poisonous shrub native to the Mediterranean region, this name means “wild rose.”
  • Viper – This name comes from the venomous snake of the same name and is associated with cunning, danger, and deadly force.

Japanese Names That Mean Poison

Japanese Names That Mean Poison:

  • Doku – This Japanese word means “poison” or “toxic.”
  • Hime – This name means “princess,” but it is also the name of a highly toxic mushroom that is native to Japan.
  • Kumo – This name means “spider,” but it can also be associated with the venom of a spider.
  • Maboroshi – This name means “phantom” or “illusion,” but it can also be associated with the idea of a poisonous substance that is hidden or disguised.
  • Sakura – This name means “cherry blossom,” but it is also the name of a poisonous fish that is commonly found in Japan.
  • Shi – This name means “death” or “die,” but it can also be associated with the idea of a poisonous substance.
  • Suzume – This name means “sparrow,” but it is also the name of a poisonous plant that is native to Japan.
  • Tsumi – This name means “sin,” but it can also be associated with the idea of a toxic substance that is harmful or deadly.
  • Yami – This name means “darkness” or “shadow,” but it can also be associated with the idea of a poisonous substance that is hidden or obscured.
  • Yura – This name means “softness,” but it can also be associated with the idea of a poisonous substance that is subtle or insidious.

Girl Names That Mean Poison

Girl Names That Mean Poison:

  • Aconite – This name is derived from a highly toxic plant also known as “wolf’s bane” and “monkshood.”
  • Atropa – Named after the Greek goddess of fate, this name is associated with the deadly nightshade plant.
  • Cicuta – This name comes from a highly poisonous plant in the carrot family that is commonly known as “water hemlock.”
  • Euphemia – This name means “good speech” or “well-spoken,” but it can also be associated with the euphoria caused by certain poisons.
  • Hellebore – This name is derived from a poisonous perennial herb found in the Mediterranean region.
  • Oenone – This name comes from a figure in Greek mythology who was said to possess knowledge of poisons and healing herbs.
  • Toxicodendron – Meaning “poison tree,” this is the scientific name for several species of poisonous plants including poison oak and poison ivy.
  • Venena – This Latin-derived name means “venom” or “poison.”
  • Vipera – This Latin word refers to any member of the snake family known as vipers, which are known for their highly toxic venom.

Poison Names


Arsenic is a chemical element that is found in nature and is used in many industrial and manufacturing processes.

It has a metallic gray color and a bitter taste. In its purest form, arsenic can be highly toxic to humans and animals when ingested or inhaled.

Historically, it was used as a poison in cases of murder or suicide.

Arsenic poisoning symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, confusion, convulsions, and death.

Long-term exposure to arsenic can lead to cancer of the liver and kidneys as well as other severe health problems.


Thallium is an element with a wide variety of uses but can also be extremely toxic when ingested or inhaled.

Its toxicity has made it popular for use as a poison for both murder and suicide purposes throughout history.

Thallium poisoning symptoms range from hair loss to gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting and diarrhea to cardiac arrhythmia which could eventually lead to death if not treated properly.

Prolonged exposure to thallium could cause significant damage to the central nervous system leading to paralysis and blindness.


Cyanide is another poisonous substance that has been used in plots of murder or suicide throughout history due to its extreme toxicity when ingested or inhaled.

In its purest form it appears as a colorless crystal powder with an almond-like odor although it is more commonly encountered in gas form due to its volatility at higher temperatures.

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include nausea, headaches, dizziness, rapid heart rate, confusion, seizures, respiratory failure leading to coma and death if left untreated quickly enough.

Chronic exposure may lead to permanent neurological damage including cognitive decline and memory loss.


Strychnine is an incredibly toxic alkaloid derived from the seeds of various plants most notably the Strychnos nux-vomica tree native to India and Southeast Asia where it was historically used as an agricultural pesticide before its proven high toxicity was discovered.

It is also used as a pesticide and rodenticide. Strychnine works by blocking the action of a neurotransmitter called glycine in the central nervous system, which leads to uncontrolled muscle contractions and spasms.

Symptoms of strychnine poisoning can include restlessness, agitation, muscle stiffness, and convulsions.

The convulsions can be severe and may cause the muscles to contract so forcefully that they can cause bone fractures. In some cases, strychnine poisoning can be fatal due to respiratory failure or cardiac arrest.

Historically, strychnine was used in small doses as a performance-enhancing drug in sports, but it is now banned for use in athletics.

In medicine, it has been used in the past as a stimulant, but it has largely been replaced by safer alternatives. Today, it is primarily used as a rodenticide to control rat and mouse populations.

Toxicologist Answers Poison Questions From Twitter

Poison Flower Names

Poison Flower Names:

  • Belladonna – also known as deadly nightshade, a highly toxic plant with bell-shaped flowers and shiny black berries.
  • Hemlock – a tall, white-flowered plant that is highly poisonous and can cause respiratory failure.
  • Oleander – a beautiful, pink or white-flowered shrub that contains toxic compounds that affect the heart and nervous system.
  • Foxglove – a tall, colorful flower with bell-shaped blooms that contain cardiac glycosides, which can cause heart failure.
  • Lily of the Valley – a small, fragrant flower that contains cardiac glycosides and can cause heart problems.
  • Datura – also known as devil’s trumpet, this plant has trumpet-shaped flowers and contains alkaloids that can cause hallucinations and delirium.
  • Monkshood – a tall, blue-purple flower that contains aconitine, a potent neurotoxin.
  • Angel’s Trumpet – a trumpet-shaped flower that contains scopolamine and other alkaloids that can cause hallucinations, delirium, and even death.
  • Water Hemlock – a highly poisonous plant with clusters of white flowers that contain cicutoxin, a potent neurotoxin.
  • Pokeweed – a large, colorful plant that contains phytolaccatoxin, a poisonous alkaloid.

Poison Plant Names

Poison Plant Names:

  • Poison Ivy – a plant with three shiny leaves that contains an oily resin that can cause an itchy rash.
  • Poison Oak – a plant with three leaflets that can also cause an itchy rash due to its oily resin.
  • Poison Sumac – a tree or shrub with leaves that contain urushiol, an oily resin that can cause a severe rash.
  • Castor Bean – a plant with large, spiky pods that contain ricin, a highly toxic protein.
  • Yew – an evergreen tree that contains taxine, a poisonous alkaloid that affects the heart.
  • Manchineel – a tropical tree with fruit that looks like small green apples but contains a toxic sap that can cause severe skin irritation and even blindness.
  • Tobacco – a plant that contains nicotine, a highly addictive and toxic substance that can cause lung cancer and other health problems.
  • Jimsonweed – a large, white-flowered plant that contains alkaloids that can cause hallucinations, delirium, and even death.
  • Strychnine tree – a tree that contains strychnine, a potent neurotoxin that can cause convulsions and death.
  • Rosary Pea – a vine with red and black seeds that contain abrin, a highly toxic protein.

Other Names Meaning Poison

Other Names Meaning Poison:

  • Venom – a toxic substance that is secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions.
  • Toxin – a poisonous substance produced by plants, animals, or bacteria.
  • Neurotoxin – a type of toxin that affects the nervous system.
  • Cyanide – a highly toxic compound that interferes with the body’s ability to use oxygen.
  • Arsenic – a toxic metalloid that can cause a range of health problems, including cancer and organ failure.
  • Mercury – a toxic heavy metal that can damage the brain, kidneys, and other organs.
  • Lead – a toxic metal that can cause developmental and cognitive problems in children and other health issues in adults.
  • Cadmium – a toxic metal that can cause lung and prostate cancer and other health problems.
  • Botulinum toxin – a highly toxic protein produced by the bacteria that cause botulism.
  • Dioxin – a toxic chemical that is produced as a byproduct of industrial processes and can cause cancer.

Poison Wyvern Names

Poison Wyvern Names:

  • Venomspite – This name plays on the idea of a poisonous bite, and could be a fitting name for a wyvern that uses its venom to attack its prey.
  • Toxinwing – This name emphasizes the wyvern’s poisonous abilities, and suggests that its wings are the primary means of delivering venom.
  • Acidbreath – This name suggests a wyvern that can breathe a noxious acid that can burn and poison its enemies.
  • Blighttail – This name evokes the idea of a wyvern whose tail is covered in a toxic substance that can infect and weaken its foes.
  • Noceraptor – This name combines the Latin word “necro” (meaning “death”) with “raptor” (meaning “bird of prey”) to create a name that suggests a deadly and venomous wyvern.
  • Plaguewing – This name suggests a wyvern whose wings are covered in a poisonous substance that can spread sickness and disease.
  • Corruptclaw – This name evokes the idea of a wyvern whose claws are infused with a toxic substance that can corrupt and poison anything they touch.
  • Pestilence – This name suggests a wyvern that brings sickness and death wherever it goes.
  • Venomous – This name is simple and to the point, and emphasizes the wyvern’s poisonous abilities.
  • Miasmaraptor – This name combines the word “miasma” (meaning “noxious fumes”) with “raptor” to create a name that suggests a wyvern whose very presence is poisonous and toxic.

Poison Dragon Names

Poison Dragon Names:

  • Toxicdrake – This name combines the words “toxic” and “drake” to create a name that emphasizes the dragon’s poisonous abilities.
  • Venomfang – This name suggests a dragon whose fangs are coated in a potent venom that can kill its enemies.
  • Plaguefire – This name evokes the idea of a dragon whose breath can spread disease and sickness.
  • Acidclaw – This name suggests a dragon whose claws can secrete a corrosive acid that can melt through even the toughest materials.
  • Blightwing – This name suggests a dragon whose wings are covered in a toxic substance that can infect and weaken its foes.
  • Noxious – This name is simple and to the point, and emphasizes the dragon’s ability to emit poisonous fumes and gases.
  • Corruptscale – This name evokes the idea of a dragon whose scales are infused with a toxic substance that can corrupt and poison anything they touch.
  • Pestilent – This name suggests a dragon that brings sickness and death wherever it goes.
  • Venomancer – This name combines the words “venom” and “enchanter” to create a name that suggests a dragon that can charm and manipulate its prey with its poisonous abilities.
  • Miasmadragon – This name combines the word “miasma” (meaning “noxious fumes”) with “dragon” to create a name that suggests a dragon whose very presence is poisonous and toxic.

Poison Pokemon Names

Poison Pokemon Names:

  • Beedrill – This Pokemon is a bee-like creature with a deadly stinger that can poison its enemies.
  • Gengar – This ghost-type Pokemon is associated with shadows and can use toxic moves like “Sludge Bomb” and “Toxic.”
  • Nidoking – This Pokemon is a powerful ground and poison-type creature with a horn that can inject venom into its enemies.
  • Crobat – This bat-like Pokemon can fly at high speeds and use toxic moves like “Poison Fang” and “Sludge Bomb.”
  • Toxicroak – This Pokemon is a frog-like creature with a powerful toxic jab that can poison its opponents.
  • Arbok – This snake-like Pokemon has a powerful venomous bite and can use Poison Sting to inflict damage on its enemies.
  • Muk – This blob-like Pokemon is capable of using deadly sludge attacks, such as “Sludge Wave,” that can poison foes.
  • Tentacruel – This jellyfish-like Pokemon has tentacles tipped with potent venom that it can use to poison opponents in battle.
  • Venonat – This bug/poison type pokemon resembles an insect and comes equipped with poisonous antennae that can inject toxins into its targets.
  • Weezing – This two headed gas Pokémon is capable of emitting a noxious gas from its mouths which can poison its opponents.
  • Skorupi – This bug/poison type arachnid has a sharp stinger that it can use to inject toxins into its enemies, making them weak and unable to fight.
  • Scolipede – This giant centipede-like Pokemon has fangs laced with potent venom which it can use to poison foes in battle.
  • Grimer – This blob-like Pokemon is made of sludge and can emit toxic gases from its body, poisoning anyone who comes too close.
  • Garbodor – This trashbag like creature is capable of spewing out noxious gas from its mouth and nostrils that can poison any target nearby.
  • Qwilfish – This fish-like Pokemon has quills on its back that contain a deadly toxin which it can use to inflict damage and poison its enemies.
  • Seviper – This snake-like Pokemon is capable of using powerful Poison Tail attacks to inject venom into its opponents, poisoning them instantly.

Poison God Names

Poison God Names:

  • Hecate – a Greek goddess associated with witchcraft and poisonous plants.
  • Set – an Egyptian god associated with chaos and venomous creatures.
  • Tlaltecuhtli – an Aztec goddess of the earth who is associated with poisonous animals and plants.
  • Camazotz – a Mayan god associated with bats and death.
  • Apep – an Egyptian god associated with chaos and venomous creatures, particularly snakes.
  • Nidhogg – a Norse dragon that is said to gnaw on the roots of the world tree Yggdrasil and spew poison.
  • Ratri – a Hindu goddess associated with darkness and death.
  • Xipe Totec – an Aztec god associated with rebirth and sacrifice, who is sometimes depicted wearing a suit made of flayed human skin soaked in poison.
  • Echidna – a Greek goddess who is half-woman, half-serpent and is associated with venomous creatures.
  • Namtar – a Mesopotamian god of death and disease who is sometimes associated with poison.

Poisonous Mushroom Names

Poisonous Mushroom Names:

  • Death Cap – a highly poisonous mushroom with a distinctive greenish-yellow cap and white gills.
  • Destroying Angel – a highly toxic mushroom with a white cap and gills that is responsible for the majority of mushroom-related deaths.
  • Fly Agaric – a bright red mushroom with white spots that is highly toxic and can cause hallucinations and delirium.
  • Panther Cap – a highly toxic mushroom with a reddish-brown cap and white gills that can cause severe gastrointestinal distress.
  • Fool’s Mushroom – a mushroom that resembles the edible Paddy Straw Mushroom but is highly toxic and can cause liver and kidney damage.
  • Deadly Webcap – a highly poisonous mushroom with a distinctive cobweb-like veil covering the cap.
  • Autumn Skullcap – a small, brown mushroom that is highly toxic and can cause liver and kidney damage.
  • False Morel – a mushroom that resembles the edible Morel but is highly toxic and can cause gastrointestinal distress and even coma or death.
  • Little Brown Mushroom – a term used to describe a variety of small, brown mushrooms that are often difficult to identify but can be highly toxic.
  • Blewit – a mushroom that is considered edible but can cause allergic reactions in some people and is toxic when eaten raw.

Names That Mean Toxic Love

Names That Mean Toxic Love:

  • Poisonous Passion
  • Venomous Affection
  • Deadly Devotion
  • Toxic Romance
  • Lethal Love
  • Hazardous Heart
  • Dangerous Desire
  • Harmful Devotion
  • Fatal Fondness
  • Corrosive Connection

FAQs – Names That Mean Poison

What is a name that means poison?

Here are a few names that mean poison:

  • Tóxxico (Spanish)
  • Venenum (Latin)
  • Toxina (Greek)
  • Strychnos (Greek)
  • Arishta (Sanskrit)

What is a complete list of different poison names?

Here is a comprehensive list of different poison names:

  • Tóxxico (Spanish)
  • Venenum (Latin)
  • Toxina (Greek)
  • Strychnos (Greek)
  • Arishta (Sanskrit)
  • Zyankali (German)
  • Aconitum (Latin)
  • Delphinium (Latin)
  • Ricinum (Latin)
  • Hellebore (Greek)
  • Theriaca Andromachi of Nicander (Greek)
  • Yara Yara Gawa Kono Yatsufusa Ni Mauku (“Japanese”)

Conclusion – Names That Mean Poison

Names that mean poison or venom often have a dark and dangerous connotation, as they are associated with substances that can harm or kill.

These names are typically chosen for fictional characters, creatures, or objects in books, movies, games, and other forms of entertainment.

Here are some common characteristics of names that mean poison:

  • Poisonous or venomous animals: Many names that mean poison or venom are inspired by poisonous or venomous animals, such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, and jellyfish. Examples include Cobra, Viper, Arachne, and Medusa.
  • Toxic substances: Names that mean poison or venom may also be inspired by toxic substances, such as arsenic, cyanide, and hemlock. Examples include Arsenia, Cyan, and Hemlock.
  • Dark or ominous meanings: Names that mean poison or venom often have a dark or ominous meaning, reflecting the dangerous nature of these substances. Examples include Malina, which means “poison” in Greek, and Kiera, which means “little dark one” in Gaelic.
  • Emphasis on lethal qualities: Names that mean poison or venom often emphasize the lethal qualities of these substances, such as their ability to harm or kill. Examples include Venom, Noxious, and Fatal.

When it comes to poison names, they often have similar characteristics.

They may be inspired by poisonous or toxic substances, such as Poison Ivy or Toxic Waste.

They may also emphasize the dangerous or deadly qualities of these substances, such as Deadly Nightshade or Lethal Injection.

Poison names may be used for fictional characters, products, or even brands.

In some cases, they may be used ironically or humorously, such as in the case of the drink “Snake Venom.”


  • Snake Names
  • Spider Names
  • Magic Names
139+ Poison Names [Names That Mean Poison] - Tag Vault (2024)
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